1. Please do not copy any work done by any library member on this site! Everything done by the library members is under copyright laws. You cannot copy or use anyone else's work unless they give you there full consent and you get my consent before hand. This applies to the site's features too!

2. Please do not spam or trash any of the boards, or chat rooms in the library. Anyone found doing so will be banned from participating in any areas of the library.

3. Using any prejudice at all is completely forbidden on any part of this site. No swearing or bad use of language in the mchat and message boards. You can swear in stories though but not exesively. Unless blocked out. E.g. $h!t and so on. Again any person being found doing so will be banned from the library.

4. Anyone found doing any damage what so ever will be dealt with strongly! This is a site for fun, so any person attempting to ruin the site or members will be banned.

5. Only people between the ages 10-18 years old will be allowed to participate in any part of this site. Any one older or younger are forbidden from using any of the activities. Please no insulting of work. (Only constructive critisisome or opinion).

6. This site is updated whenever possible, so please, I don't want any hate mail because I have not updated your profile. Or any hate mail about, anything at all for that matter.

7. If you have found out that you've had your work copied or taken from your profile, you should either; Tell the Library master or send a polite e-mail reminding the person of their wrong doing and asking for them to return your work. NO flaming or spamming though, thankyou!

8. No erotic or pornographic content in either your stories/poems or art! Anyone found doing so will once again be BANNED!

9. Please, no stories or poems or even art, that is unsuitable for anyone under the age group, which is 10

10. Last rule and it is the most important one of all (At least my best rule) HAVE FUN!
If you understand all the rules and regulations then you may proceed to the join form, but If you have any quiries you may
e-mail me!
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