The Art Room
Along the main corridor you go past the library room on your right and straight on down the lengthy corridor. You come across a light orangy birch door. This door has a small silver handle, which you twist and push. The door swings open nice and easily with no effort needed. The door opens to a nice smell of fresh paint. In your veiw there are thousands of paintings. Watercolour, handrawn, sketches, painting, chalk drawings, pen pictures and hunderends more. Every single one is an original, one of a kind. You take a few steps into the large art studio. In the center of the room there is a massive oaken table with a single stand balancing it. Mahogany stools surround the table each one with their own letter. It goes around clockwise, spelling A-R-T-R-O-O-M. Round the outskirts of the room stand tall wooden shelves, mounted on them are all sorts of equipments for artists. Paints- thousands of colours, chalks, pencils, pens, crayons, waxes, watercolours all types all with their own individuality. It makes you wonder how they fit all the amazing things into one single room. You didn't realize this feature, when you entered the room, but there is a giant skylight on the ceiling and very so often a shimmer of light blazes through the coloured glass. The smell of frsh paint once again fills your nostrils and it brings back the inspiration for your art.
Please send your art to me via e-mail. Either by using a link or in an attachment!

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