The Bookshelves
As you walk down the long outstreching corridor you come across a door. The door has a gold plated sign stripped across the top of it. You take a step closer and reach out opening the door. The door is slightly creaky but not enough as to distort the atmosphere. Your veiw turns towards the giant bookshelves, with all sorts of books, all shapes and sizes. From giant rustic brown books to newly written smaller books. The bookselves are split up in to sections by more gold plated signs. You walk by each book case reading the signs. After glancing at them you reach out for a book to read.
The Writing Room
Deciding that you would prefer to write a story/poem of you own, you take a few steps to the back of the library and see a giant oak door with a matching brass knob. On opening the door your sight is bedazzled by an amazing elm table, sitting in the direct center of the room. The table is surrounded by numerous chairs, which all match the material of the table. There are shelves leaning against the outerwalls of the room. Some of the shelves have scrolls, all different lengths. Then there is a shelf for the hawk plumes. The plumes all in their own seperate long wooden boxes. Each has their own name, Different textures of tip for every type of writer. Your eyes bulge as you see the fantastic sight of the whole room. It is one magical room. The center of the great library...
The legacy library!
The Stories
The Poems
Write something
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