money lee
- Jan
- Mar







*Please ignore the grammatical errors.
| sep 6 (mon) 11:10p.m.|
today is really a boring, but a practical day for me, i woke up at 1:30p.m., i had lunch alone @cafe spot, i went to Vons and Staples to buy the things i need. and then i went home, that's all the things i did today. The friends who i usually hang out with, went to san francisco for this weekend, and because i need to work on weekend, i didn't go with them... ����, �Y�ڤ񥭮ɩt�W�J�@��, ���J, �S�h�ͪ�, �L�ݼ��J, �S���Qݯ�\�a, so�ڨM�w����t�t�W�W�ݹL, enjoy�@�U���ɤ֦��J�ӤH�ɶ�, ���ڷQ���J, ���ڷQ���J...�X�_�a, ��ı�o�ncomfortable, �nfree, ���Y, �ڪ��D, �p�G�n�ڪ����Y��, ���p�s�ڥh��....�Od moment, �������@�����Y�ɨ�.

�O�X��L�A����, �ڴN���_�ߨx�l��mask, ��ӷQskin谯u�Y���i�Hlazy, �� skin�u�Y�n���n�h...

the time when i start putting on make up, dark circles has been one of the problems that i wanna solve so badly, it seems like i could never get rid of it...i hate it very much....

i have finally registered for the fall quarter @cal poly, i guess i will take 3 classes, just needa go to school on mon and wed, the time seems really tight....i hope i can handle it.

hahahah, �کO�X��Y��ڻ"�j�����s��", �oı�J�����Ө���-----�t�崼��---�W�ūl��geoffrey!!!!!!! �ڤ@��ڻ�@����~~~~~ �@���ڳ�ı�ogeoffrey�n���@�ө��P, ���Y�S�����X�Y���, �Ӯafinally���ݯ�˳�!!!!! �\�ӯu�W�N�Y----���s��!!!!!

yesterday was really scary...i was working in the h2o store as usual, and rosanna was off according to the schedule, and there were just me and one of my new coworker Renee,  when Rosanna(our store manager) is not here, we'll bring magazines and food to the "floor" (the front desk) while we're working, coz sometimes when there are no customers, we can read and eat snacks~ i will also place my cell phone in front of the counter~ and yesterday, around 3-4pm, coz it was really really slow, so reneww bought a french fries from mcdonald's and ate the fries under the register, she placed her ketchup and french fries just underneath the register, and then there was a customer came in, renee went up and help her, and me, because i am too bored, so i did the stocking on the shelf....and suddenly there was a very familiar voice calling my name" Money~", i turned my head, guess who it is......IT'S ROSANNA!!!! she POPPED UP with her son~~!!! and this is the first time that i saw rosanna appeared in the store when she's off! it's really unexpected and u know what~ she wear NO MAKE UP!!!! she looks like 60 years old! totally different! i don't mean to attack about how she looks like but it just amazed me ! now i know the power of cosmetics! and back to the topic.....she was walking in with her son, and i'm glad that i was doing the stocking when she was walking in coz this can show that i was doing my duty when she's not here~ i said hi to her and she introduced her son to me, her son doesn't looks like 18, more like 15 or 16~ she said she was shopping around with her sound so she just swing by to get some paperwork from the backroom...and when she went to the front desk.....her face changed....i can saw that she was looking at somewhere under the register....and that moment i was like....."oh my god...." SHE WAS LOOKING AT RENEE'S FRENCH FRIES AND KETCHUP!!!!  and rosanna was like".......what is that....?" and renee���n���p�ڪ����run to the register and explained to rosanna that she was having a break...so she brought the food out to the front desk.....and that moment, rosanna was kinda like yelling and said"....AND CELL PHONE????" she was pointing under the register, and that moment i realized that i put my cell phone there!!!!i ran to the register, and rosanna ask me" Money, is this your cell phone??" i was like" oh yea rosanna....but it was in vibrate mode..." and she cut me off like"  NO CELL PHONE HERE WHENEVER YOU'RE WORKING! PLS PUT IT BACK TO THE BACKROOM, THANK YOU!!!!!" and i was like okay.....it's totally okay....i'm busted! and then she acted like normal after she got the paperwork from the backroom and she left the store~me and renee were like just woke up from a nightmare!!!!!that was a good one hahahahah.........

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