money lee







*Please ignore the grammatical errors.
| Jan 8 (thurs) 4:20p.m. @computer cafe|
damn! it's been ages since the last time i updated my diary! actually there is a problem with my computer at home, after i use the broadband service, I can't launch my pagebuilder to edit my website with my PC at home. i duuno what is wrong with it. and that's why i haven't been able to edit my site for such a long time. srry about that.

my winter session has started this Monday, I'm taking English 1A this winter and it seems easier than i thought it would be. but i know there are lots of hardworks coming up for this class since it is condensed from 18 weeks to 6 weeks.  but just wanna let y'all know, i'm doing fine and everything is going pretty good. the grades for the fall semester are coming out, i'm kinda nervous about that. what i feel amazed about is my friend Trevor got A's for all of his classes AGAIN. his classes were all like "die-hard" classes. but undeniably, he's smart.

I had a great xmas holiday last year. I went to Vegas with my friends. and i met my friend geoffrey's gf, City, for the 1st time this xmas, she came to visit geoffrey and i'm sure they had a great time together on xmas.  and that's why we all decided to go to Vegas together to bring City travels around. she's nice and pretty. haha! we also went snowboarding @Mountain High after the trip to Vegas. That was the 1st time i snowboarding and i found that it was way more exciting and easy to control than skiing.  but i hurt my wrist kinda badly when i took off the lift, it was damn painful and i almost cry. it's getting much better now, but i can still feel a bit painful when i bend my wrist.

originally i have to pick up dorothy from the bus station later at 5:30p.m., but i just got a call from her that she have already gone back home. so it's meaningless for me to stay here any longer and i gotta go right now, nothing to do...oh well.
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