money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|sep 27th(fri) 5:35p.m.|
i was so angry yesterday, i dunno why people can driving like this crazy. i was driving back home from school, i didn't really noticed there was a white Honda on my right hand side, and that honda realized that it would be stuck in its lane while mine still going nicely, out of the blue it slipped in front of me without turning the signal light on, i was like" Holy molely!!!!" I braked my car just in time to avoid an accident, that was damn close (honest to god!) I honked him and guess what, that moron said"f*** u!!" yet he run off to the freeway, i was so pissed that y there was such an idiot driving on the road  endangering my life other than get kill in a car accident~ gosh....sometimes i really hate driving. i remember i read a survey once from somewhere,which stated that every driver will eventually involve in a car accident during their lives. I always wonder when this "once and only lucky chance" gonna come to me....but i wish it would never come. Actually there were a couple of times that i almost crash with others, the matter here is ALMOST, who knows when it will become EXACT!?

I'm glad that Dr.Johnson(my psychology teacher) has postponed our test, so now I only have 1 quiz and 1 test for next week, thank god!

jackie moved to a new apartment in Alhambra today and i went there with Rei to see if we could help her out. her apartment is so nice and neat, it's so roomy that sure enough for even 2 or 3 people!(but jackie is temporarily living by herself), i think it's so cool that she can live by herself, but i think i'd rather live with a roomate because i don't want to be lonely.(at least i can talk to someone if i get bored)

and i just got a call from bianca, she told me she crashed her car to a wall while she was parking her car , i was shocked, poor bianca~ i still remember last time she crashed her car on the freeway(i was in her car also) i really didn' t expect her car got crashed again this quick. but i think this time is lucky because she didn't crash with others. she told me the bumper was broken and there were some scratches. hope it won't charge her that much for repairing.

and i want to say thanks to Rei because she made some psychology notes for me to study! how nice!^^

oo i think it's time for me to totally update my website besides the diary,(i'm kinda busy lately)and it's rare that i'm free and got nothing to do, so i think i'll spend the rest of the evening for that.

|sep 21st(sat) 11:23p.m.|
i felt so depressing lately....i duuno why,  seems like everything is going bad with me. urggg..........yesterday, i drank tea with rei, bianca, kiki and jackie(who is a new friend that we met through rei lately), jackie is a really funny gal who could create so much fun  whenever she want, and i had so much fun with them all.
and today i'm happy because i met a new friend, her name is Amber who is a nice gal that i really enjoy to be with. actually she is rei's classmate and rei invited me to go over to Amber's house with her, and that's how we met each other.
and today is mid-autumn festival for chinese, i went back to the church because there was a celebration, i met a guy named Jordan who is so fuuny, for he looks like around 15-18, but actually, he's 26!!!!!! god~i demanded to see his ID card to make sure he was telling the truth, and he really is 26!!! he have a shiny skin which i always desire for(his skin is better tham many girls), he wrote some instructions for me of how to keep myself be young inside and outside, he's like an expert on this subject and he taught me many ways to keep my skin healthy, hahah, he's one of the funniest guy i've ever met.

|sep 14th(sat) 10:12a.m.
god...something strange happened last night when i was sleeping, actually i'm kinda having a dream and my lower leg twitched. that was awful, i was like mama!! i woke up from my dream and hold my leg tightly, trying to lessen some pain. but it's useless, and this pain last 30 secs sth, and it was gone,
and i got the result of my math and psychology test, it was not good, i swear to god i will get an A next time, to take off the teeth of someone.
well, last night, i went over to jackson's house w/ bianca for our group meeting as usual,  everyone brought some food there and we had a little potluck together, um...let me see, totally 11 ppls, so we got a bunch of food, and those were awesome.  we talked about everything and had lots of fun.
my chem exam is coming, so i better work hard no

|sep 7th (sat) 10:59a.m.
yay~ i love weekend, weekend is a time for me to take a rest at home, do whatever i want, but next week will be my nightmare, 2 test, 4 quizzes, urrgggg......since this semester have been started, i was so busy all along the way, but i kinda enjoy it, it's better than u got nothing to do and stay at home for nothing.
i took my psychology test yesterday, i hope i'll get a good grade. man...i really put many effort on this test...nothing special happened this week, everyday is school, so i think i should stop
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