money lee


*Please ignore the grammatical errors.
| june 18(sat) 1:54p.m.|
ڻ�f�ۤvupdate diary�Jfrequency, ��ı�o�nextreme, �@�ɤS�X�Ӥ볣��update�@��, �@�ɤS���update, �i��ڦӮa�u�Y�񰲤ӵL���...�u�Y�ӱo��d�f�u��d�h��... yesterday�Pdorothy�ɥ��n�@phone,�O�ڦn�Q�fhk, i mean for long term....���Y�� parents �I�O? ��...���������ݻ�...�Q�ߥ�Pberyl�ɥ�phone�n�@, ���D�\�n���}�ߦ]�� �Yd��...�ڦ��ɳ��n���P�P, �]���ڦP�\�g���J�Y�ǤH�M�Ƴ��n�ۦ�, ���ɧڳ��PIJ�I�@��...���Y�ڤS���馳d�����f����, �i���\�|ı�o�ڦn�h�����Q���\�����Q�P�\��, ���ڥu�Y�����o, ���Y���Q��....�����\��gua...!?  

| june 17(thurs) 1:24p.m.|
��ı�o�ۤv�n����, �]��....��ťo��. �ڭ��i�H�ݼ�, �ڭn����.
���ꥪ�h�hirvine��, �گ�o�ӫצP�ڵf�u�J�a��u���L�Y15mins�Jdistance, 8.3mile,�n
��r, ���h�L�hirvine�I�o�r, �����qdrive 100 miles�f�u��.....���n����....�n��colin
��3��J�@���o? no way!!! um....i hope�P��d roomate �i�H�۳B�o�n�n�a��..�ܮͳ��Y
�Ĥ@���P�Υ��H���~�J�H��, i hope���|���A�����P��.(hint: �ڥ���o�Y�Υ��Y�W �ƨ��J�p�j...�A������except���ڦۤv����)
�������o�YSD�W�d����, lunch�J�ɭ��\�s�I��and ���ݪ�ma�\�a�@��drink tea, �n�@�L���L���ݳ�, �\�Ӯalooks like ok, �ݳ��L�ݾ��, ����f�Υ��ۤv�@��@�} install���ڦ�2��o�Yikea�R�Jwindow blind, �n���W�r, �ۤv���K. dup�v, �ڳ��Q�s
daddyhelp, ���Y�S���Q���\, �P�Ialtho�Y���W, ���Y�@��@�}�ۤv�w�����᳣�n�����\
�P, �H����|�A���"��"����.
yesterday�h��DMV��driver license, �v���i�۳�, �ש�i�Hget rid of ��o�ӱi��H�ܦ�
���F�H�Jold license. chiu....���Y�����v���I�O?
��...�Ӯa...�ڳ�concern�J���N�Y,,,���������ӷ��A�Ƴ��L�O? �M��....�̲ר��e�}�J...��
�Y��. �A�s���u�����w������? sigh.....forget it.

���馬��call, �o��desmond�����dLA, �\���ߴN�����fhk��, �ҥH���ߤ�desmond �X�d����, �u�Y�����X�ɥ��A����desmond lu.....�ڵo�{�ڦn���N�q���T, i almost develop a phone-phobia. i guess. ��ı�o�����\������, �ڤ��e���J�M�w�Y�L��.... �]��..�ڤSť��d���Qť�J��, �Y�g�Y�Y�ܧڭ����f���e�J���Y���o? �Y�g�@�w�n����? �ڪ��Y�ۤv�J���D, �Y�ڤ�ڻ���}�Ӥ��N...�ڭ��Q�A�]���@�ӹq��, �@�q��ܦ��ܬG��, ��...�p�G���i�Hstop�ۤv�ݰ��J��, �ڰߦ�choose to give up sth precious.
�A���Ahappy,�ڦ��ڳ¾K.  ��, �Ӯa�ڦ����H�}�ڦ��k�B��, ���ڥu���@��, �ڵL, �q�ӳ��L.

| june 13 (mon) 1:56p.m.|
originally "made an appointment" with ah yeung this afternoon to have lunch w/ him, but becoz i overslept, when i woke up it's already 1pm, he was eating when i called him,.,hahah., so we delayed our appointment to tmr.
well somebody said sth that really pinpoint at my head.....good friends...yea good friends.
dorothy told me to calm down, but then, i'm very clam already. there's no room for me to calm down anymore my babe dorothy.
lately i keep  listening to ivana's new album... her songs give me a reli peaceful feeling...and makes me thinks a lot too.

well....today i went to ikea with cathy, bought a new chair and 2 curtains for both of my windows,  coz i've been wearing eye shade for 1 year already and i feel reli annoying to sleep in a damn BRIGHT environment...i'd rather sleep in a room which i couln't see my 5 fingers...after ikea, we went to west covina mall, then wal-mart, then target...hahah, we both have nothing to do and just wanna walk around, but actually i bought a lot of things, things that is necessary for my life...so i'm not wasting my $ to buy sth that is useless...and janice called me back today...i could probably move to irvine for my intern, i kinda looking forward to it becoz i'll move into a home with 4 gals, (5 including mine), the living room will be the place i stay and play, they have xbox, ps2, in the living room and their house it's just 10 mins from south coast, haha,.,..the thing is now i want to confirm my schedule asap so i can move in asap~~~can't wait.  It's exciting becoz i've never move out n live w/ other people b4. 
have been cleaned up my room entirely 2 days ago, feel better abt my room and like to stay inside more...

what is good frd? i thought good frd is when u seems to having trouble, frds should worry or care abt u, such as ask me wut happen or wut's wrong..sth BASIC like that...instead of keep asking me for sth back, w/ no concerns abt me.  is it frd?  wut a bull shit. pshhhhhh.  reli piss me off.

| june 9 (thurs) 10:08p.
wah........i finally finished all my finals today!! i'm so happy, like i'm freed from slavery~~~my brain have been overworking and i was having headache last nite, but now it's better. just damn tired...todat after the final, i juz had lunch w/ cathy and her frds, and then we went to grace's home to watch movie, we can't think of anything to do, because we still can't get used to our free time...i'd rather have sth to do...
i went to the test center to sign up for the GWT again, but stupid me, i forgot my wallet at home(no ID), so tmr i need to go back to cal poly on purpose JUST to sign up for GWT, ho stupid ar! but hee. i dun needa drive since thomas will gimme a ride tmr. yay!
damn, i duuno why i could not type chinese here now, hate using all-english to write my diary. just can't completely express my real feeling. (no way la, my english sucks ar ma.)

i duuno, i made a decision and did sth lately, sth that maybe my frds don't understand, they might think i'm acting weird, but it's all for my own good, after all, i love myself. i realize that i need to sacrifice sth to make myself comfortable, or else, i will suffer nonstoppingly. It's my own problem and my "heart ghost",  it definitely gave me a hard feeling when i made this decision, but when i think of myself...i think i need to take care myself more, and get rid of my "heart ghost"...maybe i'm avoiding the problem, but it's the only way out. i've been so tired dealing with my "heart ghost",  so tired so tired so tired that sometimes i think i even had psychological problems from it. well, guess nobody understand what i'm saying, but it's ok, as long as i know what i'm doing. 

needa work on 20th this month for the internship,  getting excited, also nervous abt it~~~~

as some of my frds know, my room is a mess in their eyes, so after the finals today, i started clean up my room, i was organnizing my notes and such, threw away many powerpoints printout, homeworks, and i'll try to make a room a totally diierent feel. maybe more colorful???  also wanna wash my carpet b4 i start working. and the big task is.....to organize my closet, man, i hate that!

lots of good songs lately, especially ivana wong's album, luv luv luv it, also eason's new album is so good, thx colin for sending me the songs , luv him ar!!

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