money lee

*Please ignore the grammatical errors.
| apr 27 (wed) 5:50p.m. |
��...����week d exam�ש�Ү�...���W��, ���Y�S�oı�@�o�����d�J�ɭ�, �S�n���D�{, �ڳ��Yprefer�ۤv�h�����n�L�L����, �����exam�n���r....�ntricky...����.

geoffrey�S�f��hk��, ���|�Ӥ����f, �n�@���������\��, �ӧڦa�ҵPweekend�J���� �S�֥��Ӯ֤ߦ���, �n�N�M..�|���|��d��o�U�@�ӤS�@��, �ܨ�s���\���J�ɶ��� ���Q�O? �N�n���@�ɥ�����, �׭��˩O��O?

�O��ı�o�ۤv��Y�dz��J�Pı�ܥ�, �������ܫYpermanent���? �ܱo�n���b�G, �g�w���A�W��, eason ��new song "��"���L���n, �n��ť, ��...�A�����L�N��, �������� ���ܥ��ܫY�̰�.

��, ��cooking o�ӯZ�J����Jgroupmate, �u�Y���o�n����, �Ѥ��e�ڳ���i�H����\ ��������, ��O���u�Y�s�۩I�����Q��, ���� o�Ylab�����I��������, �s�\���Od���\ �S���h����L, ���J�\��d���S�����n(e.g. prepare�ڦa�n�άJrecipe) �ڥ��ͯu�Y�̩� D�����C, �����, �I���������J�H, �����ڨ���S��2�өOd�ݬJ�H, �t�~o�ӭӫY�k�J, �P�\�����n���W, �P�\���C�@�y�� , �ڳ��n��3-4���\��response. which is�ڶW��! �t�~, �ڵoı��o�Ykitchen�����J�ɭԦ��ɷ|�Ш�yell on �\, �u�Y����+�s�@! ���Y����Sı�o�ۤv�n���n�I, �ڤScontrol�U�ڬJ����...��...


| apr 12 (tue) 6:09p.m. @home|

whew...so tired today, cooking class again of coz, we made 3 productions today, i am so happy altho i'm tired coz it is very delicious, and these are the "virgin" formal dishes that i made for this class(even in my life) , the preparation of the chicken, the source, poaching, baking, seasoning, all the stuff, we in charge of everything, so much satisfaction after we're done and took a bite of our "artwork"! actually today juz 3 of us cooked all the food, coz one of our group member Ken was disappeared for the lab, i duuno where he gone. so juz me, tim and john left in the kitchen and cooked the state-of-the-art dishes , which is: Poached Chicken Princesse, Paprika Chicken, and Green Beans Basquaise. cooking class is juz so much fun! haha, i also took a pic of the dishes we made, i'll put it on friendster on msn tho.

and siu pik gave me a surpise today, she bought me a sport case of iPod shuffle!!!! she said becoz i always drive her to pcc and she wanna buy me sth in return. ��case�n�, �u�Y�n���ߧr! �u�Y�� �Ӥ��ݶ}�ߥX��, �Ӯa����case�ڴN���Aworry�ڭ�ipod shuffle�A���, �ڴN�Y�ݩ�����~ ���ܵf���Y�ڨ��\���Yhelp�o�Nhelp je, �ۤv�o���J�@�w help, hehehe, ��p�Y�p�ѩO?

haha, just thinking of one more happy thing in this week.....I finally got an internship!!!! marriott called me yesterday and offer me a summer internship as a front desk agent in their vacation club@ newport coast. i am so excited abt it coz it is a great chance to earn $$ and most importantly...EXPERIENCE. I'll work there for the whole summer...approx. 3 months. ���Y�ߤ@�J���n�B�N�Y�u�Y�n���r, �|�Q�X��miles�r, ���먮��, �먮�I��O? �@�Ӥ@�^�u�Y�@��@ �ʨ�!!!���Y�@���ݦn�Jchance��ڥh��marriott��, ��resume�_�Xpersuasive d ����....�`��...�}�� ��...hopefully���o�}�J�ߤߵLpressure la!

| apr 7 (thurs) 6:54p.m. @home|

ok, I haven't written a word here for N years and i wonder if there's still anyone come here to update my life in LA. ha.ha.ha. they must think i've already abandoned this website coz i didn't write any entry here for like 7 months. but even no one come visit my site, i'll still hang on to it and keep its life going. or i should say it's the only thing i can do when i am reli reli bored n reli got NOTHING to do...(to kill some time and �o��) but i'll try to promote my website haha.

half year la, transferred to cal poly already, this is my 3rd quarter in collins school, having fun there, especially the professional cooking class that i'm taking. i never feel boring in this class b/c all we do is cooking~ also we have our own uniforms for this class, it looks reli cool when i dressed up like a real chef haha~i will take some pics w/ the uniform later.

things that happen lately...is my best friend in LA, dorothyssssssssss(dorsdors) had already went back to HK. i mean she's not coming back, of coz i feel sad abt that, coz she was w/ me all da way when i was having the worst and happiest ever in my life and she's the one who support me the most. but �ڳ��H�\happy coz i know she's gonna have a bright future in hk. well ��d�ŵ�but i will get used to it... "�o�ߧڿW�ӿW��  �o�O�ӫᮬ���O�@��ɥ�   �A�o�b���b���   �ڦ����ܥ�����....la la la la.."

get to know many new friends in collins school these quarters. they're all nice, so happy! i had a bbq nite w/ them 3 weeks ago and i'll post the pics here.

um...today was a bit embarassing when i was having my cooking lab in the kitchen of kellogg west. I was shocked by Chef Brown, lemme briefly describe him...he was a executive chef , a PhD of sth(i forgot) and many many powerful title and he's fat and tall, juz looks like a typical executive chef, and these all factors already makes me kinda afraid him but then sometimes he's nice sometimes he's strict, just unpredictable. and today b4 we went to the lab, we usually have a lecture for an hour, we talked about knife skills today and there are 4 classic knife skills which are all french terms that i could hardly remember.  and in the lab when Chef Brown tried to do the demo of 4 classic knife skills.  he suddenly point at me....(using his steel) , and ask me what is the 1st knife skill we learned in the lecture today, and becoz i could hardly remeber those terms, i was murmuring and didn't reli answer his questions. and then suddenly he used his steel and "BANG" on the cutting board, all the students were shocked and i was like almost jump up. (he's mentally ill at this point) and the he said" now u woke up huh?" and then keep asking me the 2nd knife skills, and i was like.....omg...i duuno...and then i saw siu pik ���f�� give me the answer, �ڥ�answer���\, �\���ݲĤG��! so scary lor, almost heart attack with that BANG! ����u�U~

now i'm trying my best to apply for internship in the summer, so far just marriott ���n��, ���Y�ڷQ�hYosemite���h�L�hmarriott, �]���i�H�hsan fran ��3 months, �ڷQtry�U�ۤv�@�ӤH��, �ݤj�ӤH�����չL�W�~, ���Ymarriott���Y�j���q, �n���n���hpick lor... ���Yyosemite ����reply�� ..���Y���n���ݦh~...

�O�ƭӤH�������C�_��, �]���@d����...���鳣ť��d���Qť�J��, �n���ӤѪ��A��, ��"��" ���h�d �ӤѴN��n��A��..�n�h�����Y"���������i�ڦզ�", �����S���H���f��, ������ť���|bother�ڳ� ���h�f..�ѹ껡, �u�Y��������...���Y...�Y�ۤv���D, �ۤv�J���], �󥲦۫�ۦ�..�X�����\�i�H �n���� �˰�����..�ݦۦbrelax�O?

summer is coming, but the air conditioning problem in my car still unable to fix...i'm gonna die w/ high heat in the car one day..

����ѯu�L�����k�l, �S�{�S谤S"����"..i envy u.

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