money lee


*Please ignore the grammatical errors.
| july 24 (sun) 6:25p.m.|
�n�b�����Q��stanley�\�a�J����...�p�G���Y..�S����o�Ӧ�ڦn���Q���J�H...�Y��escape�˧ڬJ�R�B, �٬O�����N���"�ڥi�H���ܩR�B"�J��ı�کO? �u�Y����...anyway,�ڤ���ש�install���ڳ�cd player, ��e�Ispeaker, colin help �ڴ��Lspeaker., ����\�����j����S�_��, �n�P�E�\�r.�~��$165, ��n��[��.

| july 23 (sat) 10:58p.m.|
�S�W���dLA, ����Pbianca��lunch,����h��ڻwar of the worlds, �n�@���L�Pbianca hang out��, �O���ܵf�_�ڦa���e��o�Ypcc�J��l, �n�}��~ ���ɦP�@d�n�@�L���J�B�ͱo���X�d�Eo�U��o�U�p, ���Y�@���߼֨�~ ����糣�h��circuit cityڻ�Ud cd player, �M�w����ݯ�Icolin�P�ڤ@���h�R��U�N��~ ���ѱߤW���F��rei����, �n�@���L���\��, �ɥ��n�h��, �s�̭��Q���J�H�����I~���Yo�ӥy, i don't care. ���ڤp��S�n�Ǯ�S�n��~~~.............plan�򰵧�Intern����Wsan fran��jackie, �n�@�L��}�L��~

| july 19(tue) 4:34p.m.|
�n�¥J��~~~�ڬ[����cd player �Q���H����! �I�ѭn�Y�کO? �A�����n�J�����n�Y��, �Ӯa�S�n��waste $�A�R��cd player, �L$100 �����~�X���f, �ӤѦn���P�ڹL���h��...
����P�������X�F�h��lunch finally, �\�a�I�\�ӪB��, �ڭ��O�o���\�s�A�W, ���Y�W�������s�ڥh�������\��o�Y��....anyway, ���᭹�����N�Pberyl�h��wilfred���s��ڻڻ, �\��Ĥ@��virgin�Usea�㥪d bread, �����t, �Ĥ@����Y��~~����, �����\�I�ѵL�հվ�bread, �\�̵M�Y�ݦn���o....����...����~  beryl�ܧڤ���n��"show" �{, �I�ѩO?i hope���Ynegative�J��show��, �u�Y�����\���O�y���Y�n�w�Y�I~�i��ڤ���o�Y�\���e�Y�O���H�d�߱��̦n��...���eo�Y�\���e�u�Y
�@pat x �ݬ[...
����ש󪺰_�ߨx�~���[��, ��....�ڲש󰵨��~~
�Q��end up�P��berylڻfantastic 4, ��ok�nڻ, �X��iand funny, ڻ�o�L�J...����ڨg�stwins���s�q"��"�Ͱ�, �n�n�nť~~~�q����ڥ����Y�̶K��, ���Yd melody�n�nť~
���ɹ�Y��B�ͯu�Y�n����, ���Q�h�g���Q�h�o, �ڱ��@�\call�ڸ��\�u�Y���Q�h, �n�Lpromise����, ����d��msg���\������...�w�g���Y�Ĥ@��...����, ��aeroplane, �U���S�|�Y�A�O? ���n�n�ڹ�O��B�߲ͤH��...�گu�Y���Q�ݼ˧��\�w��...�j�a���B��, �Z���I�a~

| july 18 (mon) 2:05p.m.|
�S�@��week��, �ڤS�f���dLA, ���ߴN����...�쥻�����������魹lunch,���Y�ڤӮ�wake up la, �ҥHpostponed���hť��...����h��o�Y�Υ��[��, �]�ߥi��Pbrenda�hڻwar of the worlds, �L��, �O�Mmovie��n�~�e�w�g�ܷQڻ....so �ڤ��߭n�hڻ, ���L�n�h�H���ܭ��nڻ, ���Y�ڳ��Y�Qڻ...

�n�}�ߧr, �ڶR����lcd monitor��finally, 17", $175 �Q...�n��! �Ӯa�ڭ�desk�h�f�n�h��, �l��.
�O��week�n�R��r, ���work, work����....��鳣�no�Yfront desk���d�n�D�h�h�J���C...�L�@�����Y�\�a�B��, ��! �ڥ�n�f��busy�Jshift, 2:30p.m.-11:00p.m., sigh....
�����֤H���P�����L "�A�Ĥ�@�w�|�J��@�ӧ�n", ���OD���Y�@�Ǧw���H�J����, ����Ӫ��X��? �S����Ӫ��Y�g�@�w�|��n? �ڹ�O�y���ܦn���O�d. ���Y, �a�ϧڦn��éO�y����, �����H�P�A���O�y���ܬJ�ɭ�, �`�|�a��ڤ@�|��ΪA�J�Pı, �ҥH, whoever ���g�P�����L�O�y����, ���n�h���\�a.

| july 11(mon) 3:51p.m.|
having my 3��j��in LA, ���Y����w�g�Y�̫�@��, ���ߴN�n�f�hirvine�F, �O3 ��L�ܰ��Ld�A��, �h�ƬJ�ɭԳ��Qo�Y�Υ�relax o�U, saturday of coz �h����GWT��, ���ܦn�L�W���p�p, ���L�L�o��, ڻ�U���o�ӭӦn���n�H�Jje, �ҧ�GWT����N�Pcathy, thomas and their frds�h����lunch, �����join��cathy and kat�h��santa monica, �S�Ysanta monica �o, ���ܧڥ���C���g�Lo�ӭӦ쳣�|�ܰ_o�Ӥ�, anyway.....�L�R����, �کO�ƶR�o�Ӧh��, �ӤH�ܨ�n�L���L�D, �n�ƩO~~ and then sunday�Pcolin and justin�hdrink tea, �Ӥ���N�P���}�h��5th st and main �s�}O�Ӷ����Ӷ���, �����n�@��....��������, ����P���}�h�R���⭷��, ����N�Y�ݹC���a�L......���LLA�u�Yhot�Lirvine�n�h, ��o�Y�Υ����n��tank top, irvine�u�Y�D�n�h.....
siu pik yesterday����ڧr~~~~�lhappy, ����\��intern��start, suppose �|�U��week start, ����\�ݿ�start�@�w�Y�����ɶ�����400 hrs, �ߦ����o�X�h�o�X�h, �\�|o�Ycauseway bay�J�ɪF�s����, o�Y��IFC����, �}�ߦ���~~~�Q���P�n�@�L���J��tim msn�L, ����\��take summer section, take 3 classes tim ar, ��n�f�u, super busy, �\�u�Y�n�l...
��l�@��@���ݹL, ��Yd���J�Pı�N�@���@��H, �n�ƪd�J...�Ӯa�g�X�n�o, ���f�S�p��? �g�o�ڨ��W...

| july 7 (thurs) 6:24p.m.|
oh boy....it's a tough day....being a front desk is reli....reli ....how to say, i pissed the guest off and meanwhile they pissed me off too.  I've been helping out at the front desk(finally..) for the last 2 days, helpin like checking in and out, man..it was a mess for me, the guest juz yelled at you if they couldn't get the room/view they want.." Call the housekeeping! I want my room ready right now! i flied from boston all the way here and you tell me my room is not ready???blahblahblah...." well! what the fuck i can say? ONLY SORRY!!! it's a big pressure job to work @the front desk especially i'm the one who's still in training, and i'm not reli sure about some procedures and I'm feeling myself so stupid and I think I'm a bother to my co-worker...i juz dun feel good.....luckily i got like 3 days off in a row this weekend, take a little break to restore myself...
another issue is coming up this saturday, i gotta take the GWT test again this saturday @ cal poly, reli worry that i'm not gonna pass this 2nd time...
to be honest, i think I still care about sth at some point...would i finally get rid of it? is it becoz i'm away from LA so I feel more comfortable w/ it or do i reli let it gone already? i'm confused. but what i reli trust is....time could "fade away" everything...:)
my skin condition is real bad lately, i think following is the major reason: 1) i dun get enough sleep, even tho i sleep around 1100 every single nite, i always wake up by the chatting and laughing sound of my roomates, seems like they totally forget i have to wake up at 0630,  and they could chat so happily in the kitchen while i was sleeping in the living room, which is just separate by a curtain. GOD! 2) i work 8 hrs a day. i was so tired when i get back home and i dun have the energy to do facial. 3) i eat too much fried food from work and at home too!   i have to rescue my skin from now on or else, that is it, it's gonna die.

| july 3 (sun) 7:22p.m.|

�X�G�N�Ƥ��~�a���R, �ܰ_�H�e�J�����L�A�Pı, �Od�Y�s���H��? �L�����e�J"�Ztick"���w, �n���w�g���A�����ʮe, ���, �Y�ȱo�}��, �ڰ��J�����Y��������, i hope this is permanent, �ڭ��Q�A��f���Y.
�W���dLA, �L�A����, last nite����jeannie and �@�Ӧn�@�L���J�B��polly����, �O�o�W����Polly�J�ɭԫYo�Y�\irvine�J�Υ�, ����2�~���e�J�ɳ�, o�ӮɫYthxgiving,beryl�Nbring���ڥhpolly�Υ���, �N�Yo�ӮɲĤ@����polly, o�ӱ߳����n�h�H, �ڦa�Scook���n�h����, �S���P, �n�n��, ���Yo�Ӧ�����ڵL�A���L�\, �Y��d��������Y�ڪB��, �u���L�Y��d friend �Jfriend, �@����������, ���eO�Y h2o ����part-time�J�ɭ��\�d�L��o�ӫ׶R�L��, �ګY�{�o�\, ���Y�\�S�L�s��, �N�Y���\�R��d���N����, ���ܧڭ��Y���j��gua, �u�Yı�o�j�a�N��s���j�a�����|���A����, �n�۵M�ݴN�L�X�n....until last nite����jeannie�X�d�J�ɭ�, �\�P����polly�Y�\��friend, ���polly���ѧ�, �ݧڤ@�������n���n, �ڷ��M�L�ҿװ�, ���L�ܰ_���e�����\���L�s�\�N��d���n�N���...end up�ڦa�����o�n�}��..�����f�n�ho�ӱ�thxgiving�J��, ����....�H�N�Y��, ������d�����Y�nunexpected...

����ݯ��colin�X�d, �P�\�hcircuit city�Rdvd-r�ܦ��h�\�Υ�burn�Mtvb dramaڻ, �I���R�������find out��ӧڤw�gڻ��, �ݧڦa�N�h��movieڻ, o�ӮMmovie�sAV, �L�ڷQ���ݦnڻ, ��d�e��, ����N�Y��, ����Pcolin�L~~

stanley��2�饴�i�ɶ˭˰���, d�����J�����n����N, ��ť�˳��n��, �ܮͲ��Y�ڦa�J�F�window, ���n����\�r�Ӯa....���饴���\�S����cell phone, i reli hope he's ok and will get well soon~

���ߤS�n�^irvine, �n���Q, ���Q�f�u, ��Pressure, �Ӯa��7��. �I����9��?
�h���hirvine������, ���oı�ۤv�J�Υ���ӫY�n�n, �n�h�����~�ۤv��, �Od�Y�䦸, ���Y��ӿ˱����Y�̺�n, �Ӯa�ڦ��鳣�Q�f�Υ�, �]�����D�L��daddy mommy o�Y����...�}�l�Ϭٺ�ۤv�@���J�A��....

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