..Leah's Lair: My Travels
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Ahhh, the joys of traveling.  Here are a few pictures I took while on vacation.  These folks are some of the most dim-witted people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting in my life.  However, these imbeciles did provide some great snapshots for my photo album, as well as awesome dinner conversation during holiday get-togethers.
There are quite a few pictures on this page, as I am not about to waste my time in creating a second page just for all of the snivelers who think it's mandatory to have every page "quick loading".  Suck it up with the rest of us.  By the way, it's best to read down the left column first, then the right column in order to get the 'full effect' of my journeys.  heh heh
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Devil's Lake Tour
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Here's a nice shot from the Devil's Lake tour.  Nothing too spectacular, just some pretty rocks.
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This is a photo of our dysfunctional tour group.  Notice the fella at the far right carrying a pom-pom?  He was being ridiculed by the nice chap behind him.  The guy with the pom-pom had just finished screaming, "Thstay away from me, you beathst!" when this shot was taken.  Right afterward, the "Beathst" commenced to pile-driving the fella into the huge rock before him.
Remember the rocks in the first photo?  Well, this was our pompous tour guide.  He began boasting about how well he could climb those rocks, and how dangerous it was, blah blah blah... He then proceeded to climb right on up and just stood there, leaving us all staring up at him for a good 20 minutes twiddling our thumbs. Needless to say, there wasn't much smiling going on in our group. That night, he was beaten within inches of losing his liver.
The next day ... Apparently, this idiot thought she was at the local petting zoo...
... After the bear took advantage of the lady's generous offer of unwittingly sacrificing herself, he went to share his feast with his wolf buddy...
... The little birds looked on, hoping for leftovers.  We were all in shock by this time, but then again, no one really liked her much anyway.  She was a bit too controlling for our taste, and didn't seem to be much of a "team player".
Patagonia Vacation
This vacation spot was in Patagonia.  I don't know what it is about tourists; they seem to think that just because they're on vacation, they are invincible.  Here, we have yet another half-wit that wanted me to use his camera to take his picture.  I warned him of the rotted railing.  As you may have guessed, this was his last chance to vogue.
Well, whattaya know.  Here come two of his buddies traipsing out of the bar, reeking of Whiskey.  They mentioned they had witnessed him fall through the railing.  I thought it was a bit odd that they didn't come out until 10 minutes later, but then I looked down at my watch... "Ah.  Happy Hour is over" I thought.  As they argued over which of them the deceased owed more money, I quietly walked away with his camera in hand.  He had some really weird stuff on that film.
But Wait!  There's More!
This is the last of my vacations; Fiji.  This is where I stayed.  Really beautiful place.  I wanted to come here to get away from it all.
See this happy couple?  Well, they're not so happy anymore.  In fact, they're not a couple anymore.  That guy just so happened to be the person with whom I had been having an affair.  Small world.  I figured since I had a couple of drinks in me and was feeling pretty right by myself, I should finally do the right thing and tell his wife the truth.  They didn't seem too happy with my gesture of honesty, tho.  They didn't even finish their drinks, but I took the umbrellas out of them and kept them, just in case they ever decided they wanted a souvenir.  You know, so they wouldn't forget their trip.  Since that day, I've tried inviting the nice lady over for tea and crumpets so we could discuss her problem.  She has yet to return my phone calls.  I wonder if I'm dialing the right number?
All in all, it wasn't such a bad turnout.  Even the wait staff applauded my honesty...
And these nice tourists from Africa thought I had done the right thing as well.  He gave me the actual shirt off his back as a gesture of friendship and good fortune.
I guess it just goes to show that regardless of your culture, honesty IS the best policy.
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