..Leah's Lair: Annoying Shit
Whoop-De-Whoop, Wha?
Boss Coming
Panic Button
Here, you will find things that I find truly annoying.  Things that make my skin crawl.  Things which cause me to want to beat the shit out of anyone within a five mile radius.  Stupid ideas, philosophies, or anything in which I don't agree, you will find here.  You may not agree with my opinions.  Who cares...
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Page created and maintained by Leah � 2003-2007.  All rights reserved.
This $20 bill oragami "trick" was sent to me in an E-mail.  This could have made it into my "Intriguing" page, but after much thought, I decided I was sick and tired of people trying their best to convince themselves and others that the 9/11 attacks were prophesied in a piece of lint on their living room floors.  Alas, this E-mail has earned its way into my "Annoying" page:
Sign My Guestbook, Dammit.
Amazing $20 Bill 9/11 Coincidence
Does the new U.S. $20 Dollar Bill show hidden pictures of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks?  You decide!
Step 1:
Fold a new-style $20 bill like this.
Step 2:
Fold the left side away from you.
Step 3:
Fold the right side & see the Pentagon.
Step 4:
Flip the bill over to see the WTC.
Are you scared?  You should be, dammit!  Our society's deficiency in worldly wisdom causes me to want to vomit all over my cheap computer.  Didn't something like this happen after JFK was assassinated?  Remember all of those Lincoln/Kennedy analogies that some moron dreamed up while he was high on cherry juice?
It's hogwash, folks.  Get over it.
Where's the fun in being a feminist when you rule out the opportunity to take jabs at the very gender who repress you?  You're wasting your time.  Get back in the kitchen and think about it.  Oh, and make mine medium-rare, bitch.
What the hell is this crock of shit all about?  I cannot, for the life of me, understand how a man can do this and not feel the least bit of shame.  Any man who is willing to stay at home and ride his wife's coattails, stand up on national television and proudly admit to this, is a fucker.
When I hear of a wife being the only source of a family's income while her husband sits at home scratching his balls, I cringe.  Does this guy also arrange playdates for his kids, too?  Does he call his wife at work and ask her to pick up some ingredients from the store because it's his turn to bring treats to Mom's Day Out?
Come on ladies.  Get that pussy of a husband off his fat, lazy ass and tell him to get a job.  What the hell do you need him for, anyway? If his dick is that good, send him my way for crissakes.  You're generous enough to let that slob freeload off you; might as well expand your generosity by letting other women enjoy him too.  Otherwise, hire a babysitter and unload that dead weight you call a husband.
Feminists Who Discourage Male Bashing
"Stay-at-home Dads"
This page will continue to grow as I find more time to whine and moan.
"Abortion Activists, God Bless 'Em"
Here's what I don't understand about the folks who shout, "Pro Choice!!"  Most of these people are so adamant about women's rights to choose to kill an unborn child, yet they are the same imbeciles who scream, protest, and throw themselves on the White House lawn to fight capital punishment?  I suppose it's easier to murder an innocent, unborn baby who has done nothing wrong than it is to euthanize a mass murderering, serial killing fuckhead.  Make up your minds about what you truly stand for, planks.
What's The Frequency, Tommeth?
The first three words which escaped my giggling lips after watching a mere 5-10 minutes of Tom Cruise's 'Shucky shit, I'm in love!' antics on the Oprah Winfrey show of recent were, "Wha-hu-hut the fuck?"  With all the springing on and off that couch Tom did, and notably throwing himself on bended knee a few times while simultaneously impersonating Tiger Woods, I almost called my psychiatrist for more Xanax.  E-fecking-gads, Tom, you scared the bejesus out of me.  Oprah said exactly what I'm almost certain 90% of the population was thinking:  "You are gone!"  His response to Ms. Winfrey was something to the extent of proclaiming, "I'm in love!", then he pissed all over himself.  Okay, so the urinating part isn't true, but, would it really make a difference? Tom may as well have just stuck his head up his own ass and hummed a small, but poignant tune such as Stephen Foster's 'Camptown Races' like a rhesus monkey.  What an effing dork.  I would like to go on and on, but I can't.  The visual flashbacks are making me a mite nervous.  I'll just leave you with a quote of brilliance:  "If this is how you act when you give your heart away, well, take it back", says Reba McEntire.
This space intentionally left blank to annoy the hummus out of you.
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