..Leah's Lair: Intriguing Shit
Yee Haw!
Boss Coming
Panic Button
Here, you will find things or ideas which I think are pretty darned neato; stuff that makes me want to climb atop a mountain and give a wink, a smile, and a big ole thumbs up...
To send me an E-mail, kindly remove "your head from your ass"
My Travels
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Things I Find Annoying
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Page created and maintained by Leah � 2003-2007.  All rights reserved.
I finally found something that I find intriguing.  Homemade Internet quizzes!  I can't believe I'm interested in this crap, but I actually made one for you. Wheee.  I plan to create more of these huge time wasters, but for now, this one will suffice. What are you waiting for?  Take the quiz, you worthless bastard!
Sign My Guestbook, Dammit.
Homemade Internet Quizzes
Are You A Man Hater? - Link will open in a new window
This page will continue to grow as I find things which are worthy of my precious time.
Neato Links
E D D i E i Z Z A R D . C O M - This guy makes me laugh my ass off.
The Shadowlands Ghosts and Hauntings - I like scaring the piss out of myself.
CB Cooke's AOHell - Genius, I say.  Absolute genius.
A Guy Witnesses An Accident - Can't help but laugh with this guy!
David Blaine Parody - Yes, it's a parody.  So don't watch this thinking it's the real David Blaine, then make a dumbass comment on YouTube saying, "Dis ain't da real David Blaine! Dis is fake! I know David and dis ain't real! Fo sho!!!"
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