It's the ME show...
                           starring... Me...
         (you thought it would be someone else?)
This page is pretty blank at the moment.  (No comments from the peanut gallery, thanks.)  I promise to update it soon and let you all know everything you've ever wanted to know about me.  Well...maybe everything...sortof...have to leave some things to the imagination...
My latest kick (since the Tony's were just on the other night) has been my collection of musicals.  At the moment, I'm listening to the new Broadway cast recording of Kiss Me Kate, with music and lyrics by Cole Porter, and I'm anxiously awaiting a copy of the Broadway version of The Producers with music and lyrics by Mel Brooks to be delivered to my hot little hands. 
Page last updated on 06/04/01.
people wanted to see what I was about.
Hanging by a Moment  ~Lifehouse
Renoir's The Dance
So I went to a wedding for one of my high school friends, and I now feel ancient.  I graduated in '93, and even though I'm not really that old and decrepit, seeing my friend get married kind of put it all in perspective.  Gone are the days of being invincible, or the days of running around being a mall rat, or even the days of crazy car chases.  Geesh.  When did we all grow up?  Here are some links to some stuff about my high school life.  Enjoy.
The best production of CLUE in the world.
Pictures from the wedding.
My Theatre Life
Alright.  I've been a little slow with adding pictures and whatnot all around.  Let me put it this way...the combination of me and any equipment that requires electricity lately has not been a good match.  You see...I sorta fried my scanner, I think...  and well...  That sorta slows me down a smidge...
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