Pastor Police Officer State Manager
State Manager
Nicole is the state manager for Smartline
(a finance-broking company) in Western Australia.
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1.     How long have you been a state manager?
Profiles Less than five years. Just under three years with Westpac General Insurance, a year with Australian Life Insurance and a year with Smartline.
2.     How many people are under your leadership?
Currently six people but previously, it has been under 200 people.
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3.     What are some of the things you do as a leader?
My main job is to recruit people and help them develop their own businesses. So I mentor, lead by example, endeavour to understand people's moral ethics, capabilities and experiences with the view of motivating them to achieve their goals and dreams.
4.     What has been the most challenging thing for you?
Distance and geography. WA is a large territory to cover. Also, I do not have a locally based manager/director to share ideas with as regularly I would like. Tends to make you self reliant and less inclined to ask for help.
5.    What has been the most rewarding thing for you?
Seeing people achieve things they did not believe they were capable of.
6.    What kinds of traits do you think you need to lead this particular group?
Self starter, motivated, confident, good time management skills, ability to prioritise, knowledge of industry, good listener.
7.    Do you have any role models that you follow or think of when leading?
Brian Pillemer - he was my former employer/manager at both Westpac and Australian Life Insurance. He was a person that you would want to work with. After workers were made redundant at Westpac, Brian had gotten a job at Australian Life Insurance. He offered me a job there. But If he had offered me a job selling paper clips, I would have taken it up just to work with him. He is all those things of being a credible person who would help you along the way, and help you achieve.
8.    Do you use different leading methods?
Absolutely. No two people are the same. Individuals deserve to be treated with respect. By approaching them in a manner they are receptive to, they will exceed their own expectations. It sounds a bit tacky but having confidence in the person's abilities gives them the motivation to want to succeed.
9.  What do you think makes a good leader?
Someone who listens, understands, does not judge and is able to provide support and knowledgeable in the field they are 'leading' in. (Do not make promises you cannot deliver on). Credibility is essential to being a great leader.

Nicole, personal communication, October 2006

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