To all LBPW cheerleaders:
You will be able to link or download pages  with information that should be helpful to you - take the time to look through the links!
    If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to email them to the link provided!

Yes as a matter of fact I am a..
Toe Touchin, Power Punchin
Back flippin, Stunt Stickin
Loud Yellin, High Flyin
Spirit Spreadin, Crowd Pleasin
Big Time, Bona Fide
and proud of it!
Are you a cheerleader?
To Every Cheerleader

There are little eyes upon you and they're
watching night and day;

There are little ears that quickly take in every word you say;

There are little hands all eager to do anything you do

And the little girl who's dreaming of the day she'll be like you.

You're the little girl's idol;

You're the wisest of the wise,

In her little mind about you no suspicions ever rise;

She believed in you devoutly,

Holds that all you say and do she will say and do, in your way when she's grown-up like you.

There's a wide eyed little girl who believes you're always right,

And her ears are always open, and she watches day and night!

You are setting an example every day in all you do.

For the little girl who's waiting, to grow up, and be like you.

~ Author Unknown
LBPW Cheers
Proper Stunt Prep
Basket Toss Technique
Retake Technique
Try-out Tips for Captains & Co
Motions & Tips
Jump Tips
Want to add your own tips and/or poems? Email me and I'll add them!

Proper Stunts
Thanks to the following sites for helping me make this page a learning site!
Waltham Pop Warner ~ devil dogs!
Cheer Authority!
Senior Bulldog Cheerleaders
American Cheerleader Magazine
National Cheerleading Assoc.
Have a poem or quote email it to me and I will post it! 
"Cheerleaders are angels,because they are the only humans that can fly!"
Sent in by Stephanie Mines
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