Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Dec. 5, 2001

Place: Pablo Drobny's home, Long BeachTime: not recorded
Board members and officers present: Pablo Drobny, Jim Knutson, Buzz Minnich, Fred Nicas, Carolyn Reed, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Gerry Facon, Shirlee HitchcockOthers attending: (none)
Secretary's report: Approved, 5-0, with Mr. Walters abstaining.
Treasurer's report: Approved, 6-0.


Jim Knutson reported that Mr. Facon will be resigning from the board as of Jan. 1.

Old Business

1. In committee news:

Projects & fundraising: Buzz Minnich has volunteered to be chairman and board representative.
-- Yard sale: The Dec. 9 event will bee in California Heights at Gerry Facon's home. Audrey Mabie and Mary Drobny are taking care of details.
-- Pet Fair: Mr. Facon said that last year's proposal for the fair could be easily updated and submitted to the Parks Department as this year's proposal.
-- Ice Dogs: Mr. Minnich has volunteerred to coordinate the ticket sales.
-- Endowment: Mr. Facon submitted planns for setting up an endowment to fund the Dog Park. Board members agreed that the organization does not have the funds nor the resources to amass enough money to set up an adequate endowment. The item was tabled.
-- Food bank: Mr. Facon submitted planns for a dog food bank. The board agreed that while the idea is a worthy one, the board agreed it would rather focus its efforts on improving the Dog Park.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
-- '02 election: Mr. Drobny will prepaare a nomination and election schedule for the spring quarterly members meeting in April.

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Drainage: Mr. Nicas said that the ddrain will be installed beginning Dec. 10 at the east end of the park by city workers.
-- Trees: Mr. Walters suggested that ssince city workers are trimming trees at Recreation Park near Wilson High School, perhaps crews would like to trim the big eucalyptus trees in the Dog Park while it is closed for the new drain. Mr. Nicas agreed to call the Parks Department to see if it could be scheduled.
-- Ground cover: Mr. Nicas said that tthe next shipment will probably be delivered in March.
-- Lights: Mr. Knutson had nothing neww to report.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Logo contest: Ms. Reed submitted thhe contest rules and schedule to the board. The approved the proposal, 6-0. The contest will be in the winter edition of Paw Prints and announced at the January quarterly meeting.
-- Membership: The secretary has a reccord 221 members on the 2001-02 membership roll. Ten names were added in November. A total of 136 new members have joined this year; 85 of last year's 111 members have renewed their memberships.
-- Membership form: Ms. Reed suggestedd that the form for the '02-'03 year have the individual and family lines together since they are the same amounts, and put the senior category at the end.
-- Logo contest: Ms. Reed has drawn upp plans for the contest which will be announced in the winter edition of Paw Prints and at the January quarterly members meeting. Click here for details

Communications & advertising: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Walters and Gerry Facon.
-- Paw Prints: The winter issue will bbe mailed next week. The Ice Dogs fund-raiser will be the lead story, Mr. Walters said. Ms. Hitchcock has secured renewed ads and finish proofreading the issue.
-- Bark Board: Mr. Walters noted that the city's winter canine class schedule has been posted.
-- Kabul Zoo: Solicitation for funds tto help the injured animals will conclude at the end of January. Mr. Walters has posted information on the Bark Board and is also collecting from the editorial staff at the Los Angeles Times.Click here for details.

New Business

Next regular board meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 3 at Carolyn Reed's home.

Next quarterly meeting: Saturday, Jan. 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Bruins Den.

-- JIM WALTERS, Dec. 14, 2001

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