Last updated Feb. 24, 2003

Feb. 1, 2003: Monthly report will be posted after it is approved.

Jan. 25, 2003: Quarterly report same as Jan. 1 report.

Jan. 1, 2003: Monthly report.

Dec. 1, 2002: Meeting canceled due to a lack of a quorum.

Nov. 1, 2002: Same as Oct.1 report; no transactions.

Oct. 1, 2002: Monthly report.

Sept. 1, 2002: Monthly report and Pet Fair.

Aug. 1, 2002: Monthly report.

July 27, 2002: Quarterly report same as July 11 report.

July 11, 2002: Monthly report.

June 6, 2002: Monthly report.

May 2, 2002: Monthly report.

April 27, 2002: Quarterly report same as April 4 report.

April 4, 2002: Monthly report.

March 7, 2002: Monthly report.

Feb. 7, 2002: Monthly report.

Jan. 9, 2002: Monthly report.

Dec. 5, 2001: Monthly report.

Nov. 7, 2001: Monthly report is the same as the Oct. 3 report.

Oct. 27, 2001: Quarterly report same as Oct. 3 report.

Oct. 3, 2001: Monthly report.

Sept. 5, 2001: Monthly report.

Aug. 1, 2001: Monthly report.

July 27, 2001: Quarterly report same as July 5 report.

July 5, 2001: Monthly report.

June 7, 2001: Monthly report.

April 28, 2001: No report.given.

April 5, 2001: Monthly report.

March 1, 2001: Monthly report.

Jan. 28, 2001: Fred Nicas set up a new checking account to provide a clean break from the old one and to establish more detailed accounting procedures. A total of $4,061 was deposited in the new account with Farmers & Merchants Bank. Deposits have yet to be made for the Ice Dogs night and proceeds from the Jan. 6 yard sale. Bills for the Ice Dogs event and the last delivery of ground cover have yet to be paid. Other smaller expenses that have to be paid include costs to cover the Bylaw and Articles of Incorporation efforts and mailings. Mr. Nicas said that new checks should be available in the next two weeks and that regular financial operations and reporting would begin then.

Jan. 4, 2001: The board accepted treasurer Miriam Yarden's resignation effective December, 2000; Fred Nicas will assume those duties.

Oct. 28, 2000: Quarterly meeting report.

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