
By William Sharp...2k2


Torn Between You...


The day we first met, was so special to me, only cause your beautiful green eyes could only see me.

To hold you in my arms, to feel your breath hitting my cold hard face, took away all my fright.

Your sweet sexy voice, makes me tingle, as it now shudders, your whole style made me smile, and brighten my day.

Now that you are gone, I feel I can not face another day.

I can not bear to see you gone, I can not bear to see me morn,

Morn cause we have been torn aprt, torn apart by one stupid mistake.

Life must go on, as I hear you say,

If not for now, or just for today, but forever in some weird way.

I will NEVER FORGET you, or that fateful night you told me about that baby,

As these memeroies will live with me forever.



The Curse


I once new this girl, whom was special to me, and human within, and whenever she smiled, her smile was within.

Yet she had a troubled past that followed her wherever she went, yet that trouble never mindede to me.

As that when she spoke, she always spoke with glee. She had a heart of gold, but the body of a devil.

However she showed me, just how she was special.

The times that we talked, we talked about the times, but she was afraid, afraid of what might,

Be behind her when she was out, and about how her past could end her chance.

Chance of having any future with a special person, so with the devil inside of me,

I helped her become free, only to lose her two weeks within.

I feel that I can never love again, or get close to anyone, as all the girls I have ever seemed to love,

Either disappear, leave the world or fall for someone else.

I know that these seems so sad, yet it is so so true...

Life is never going to be fare if all around you just wants to disappear...




I woke up this morning, with you on my mind.

Your laughter, your beauty, but mostly your smile.

I may not be the richest man in the world, however when I'm with you, I am the richest man in this universe.

I tell others that we are just friends, yet we know that there is more, especially,

That small little bundle of joy.

Though we agreed, to disagree, on what life might be.

You and bubs, will always be special to me.

Ever since that night that you and bubs died, I could only think of the if's and if nots.

So it sadens me to be like this, yet what we did was nuaghty but nice, and that bubs was special to you as was me.

Yet what happens now, I know I will not be lost, as that I have been down this road once before, and

I am older, yet not getting any younger, and this is what I now fear,

Will I ever find true love, like with you I had once did?

What woman would want a man whom has this baggage, I will not understand, yet I promise you this,

I will finish off what we once started, and that was to have a family, with plenty of kids.




My First Game


As I pull on the shirt, what an honour it is, to ware the logo, that others have worn before, before me.

To pull on the shorts, that are as tight as can be, and then comes the socks....whoa! what a site I must be?

I grab the pumped footy, and take it with me, to walk out onto the specail turf, that is special indeed.

I walk a few paces and hold the ball aloft, then the siren is blown, my stomache is now turning, as this is the start,

Huh start of the game....ah! the game indeed.

I walk to the middle with my followers behind me, and they are as proud, as proud as me.

We start our quick warm-up, only a little light jog, then say our goodbyes and our good lucks.

Both teams are out, and the crowd is now pumped, to see the best game, to see their team get the upper jump.

We summon the captains, for that fateful coin toss, one winner, one loser and we are the boss.

I am picked for that first ball up, the butterflies in my stomache, begin to erput.

The siren is blown, the game now begins to get up, the battle has just started, and we are all in.

Who will draw first blood, or even the last, time will only tell, but now I have luck.

Luck of my buddies, whom will carry me through, cause this is my first game, but not theirs too,

As they have been around the park a few times, and they will nuture me through till the final end,

When that FINAL SIREN blows.

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