ABOUT William Daryl Sharp

Name as it appears on your birth certificate: William Daryl Sharp
SCREEN: lazziest, lassiest_2000, Sexy_Man
Real Time: Dazzer, daggs, darly, maddog*L*, prince will, free willy

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: Can not remember.

Number of years you've graced this earth with your presence: 24...that dreaded quarter-century mark grows closer every day...**cringes**

Date of birth: Novemeber 12, 1977;

Astrological sign: Scorpio.

Height: 178cm

Best Physical Features: I have a good sense of humour.

Birthplace: Sydney, Australia*LOL*

Hometown: Chelsea

Current Residence: My place...*G*

Describe yourself in a few (or more) random words: Strange, eccentric, weird, unusual, freak, unstable, curious, emotional, introspective, kind, cruel, courageous, wussy, strong, weak, intelligent, dingbatty, sweet, sour, encouraging, venomous, ever-changing, stagnant, hyper, sedate, lazy, energetic, comic, tragic, healthy, sickly, upbeat, depressed, warm, icy, indecisive, opinionated, and paradoxical...*L*

I'm a complex, complicated person, and most any random thing intrigues me.
I'm always fixating on something--ALWAYS.
I'm neurotic in many ways, on topics ranging from my skin to the secrets of the universe.
I curse like a truck driver. Probably worse...*L*
My mood can change at any given time for any given reason.
At times, it's quite easy to hurt my feelings, but it's even easier to make me laugh.
I'm not ashamed to cry.
I'm a million different people from one day to the next. But I'm still 150% ME.

[I'm a badass/troublemaker] It's a little more accurate to say I take bullshit from no one, regardless of who you are, and if you piss me off, I will blast you right to your face. I'm not afraid to fight, be it using my fists or my wits. And if anyone wishes to engage in a battle of wits with me, I guarantee my arsenal will be much bigger than theirs. BUT, I see no reason to walk around with a chip on my shoulder. People who pick fights just for the sake of picking them make me want to dry-heave. And sometimes, believe it or not, I can be quite a wuss. That's just part of my complexity. I deal with it, so why don't you?
[I'm a social butterfly] Nothing could be further from the truth. Which is not to say I'm ANTISOCIAL, au contrare, I just don't have a huge network of friends. IRL, I have three close friends I would take a bullet for, and online, I have several people who have earned my trust and places deep in the core of my heart. Lest you think I'm suffering some kind of existential angst because of this, allow me to enlighten you. I CHOOSE to be this way. I'm one of those rare people who PREFERS having a few close friends to a mob of casual ones. I know my darkest secrets are safe, and I know I will always have someone to turn to. And they can always turn to me, as well.
[I'm extroverted, outgoing, loud, and obnoxious] Ha-ha-ho-ha-hee-hee-hee-har. Think again. Only when I'm one-on-one (or one-on-three, as the case may be IRL) with a FRIEND do I really open up. And then, boy do I ever. You're lucky to get a word in edgewise. *L* Any other time, it's all anyone can do to make me say, "I'll have a #1, with no lettuce and a Coke to drink" in the Maccas store. In a room full of strangers, believe it or not, I'm almost PAINFULLY shy. Many people who know me often comment that I grow quieter and more introverted as the years pass. The truth is, I just see no reason to talk unless I have something to say, and I have no real interest in drawing attention to myself as I did when I was a misinformed teenager. Either way, it's still just another part of me. Learn it, live it, love it, whatever.
[I'm a wannabe/copycat] Oh, don't some of you wish. **RME, laughs** It seems like some people can't make up their simple minds about me; either I'm so "different" I can't be figured out, or I copy everyone else. Listen, stooges, there's over 5 billion people in this world, and eventually 2 of them are going to have similar ideas/tastes/likes/peeves/whatever. Again, that's just how it is. Dig it or fuck off. And by the way, who's to say YOU aren't imitating ME, hmmmm???

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be? Someone who is so rich, he doesn't need to lift a finger.

What characteristics do you most despise in others?
A: Idiocy, especially when it can be helped.
B: Conceit, especially when there's no reason for it.
C: Hypocracy, period
D: Prejudice, period

Could you ever kill someone? There would have to be a valid reason...I'm not gonna just run out and waste some poor random bastard. But in all honesty, no, I couldn't...I value my freedom too much...

What do you have a passion for? Work in live theatre, writing, dancing, sport, stuff...

What's under your bed? Stuff I probably don't even know I have.

If you could do anything to the person you hate the most, what would you do? Dunk them in chicken blood & throw them into a rat-infested cellar while playing Mariah Carey's annoying screech on constant repeat.

How old were you when you had your first kiss? I can't remember that type shit

Is there a song that describes you?
"It's My Life" (Bon Jovi)
"Pinch Me" (Barenaked Ladies)
"Bittersweet Symphony" (The Verve)
"Drops of Jupiter" (Train)

What about your future? What about it?? I tend not to think to far ahead, as I have no idea how it's going to be 5 years from now...I mean, I could be dead, for all I know. But, there are certain things I hope for, with all my heart: I hope to finally meet my a nice woman and make her the happiest woman alive, and to eventually get married and have a child (two MAX), with a Beach House and a Town House or even a big property in the country.


Had the drink Virgin Mary? No...I didn't even learn to make that in Bartending class...

Been in love? Tscha...several times, but they failed...*L*

Been in a serious accident? Two automobile accidents...*L*

Been Overseas? No...and I don't exactly feel all empty inside because of this, either...

Flashed someone? Only for fun...*L*

Gone skinny-dipping? I plead the fifth...*L*

Cheated on a test? Probably, but I've slept many nights since then

Cheated on a lover? Only once, as a means of revenge. Needless to say, it's not something I reccommend others do

Made a crank call? Wouldn't you like to know...*W*

Beaten someone up? Not recently...but I have in the past...and only when a good sound beating is fully justified

Been beat up: Several times...I just give off that "kick my ass" vibe, I guess...*L*

Mouthed off to a cop? Oh, don't you know it...

Had dirty thoughts about a teacher? No comment...

Pondered the reason for your existence? Every day, pal...every frigging day...


2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4, definitely, because anytime I ride in a 2-door, you can bet your sweet ass I'll be crammed into the backseat. Just cuz I'm smaller than most anyone else...HATE that shit!!!

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Max.

Coffee or Ice Cream: Both*G*

Fizzy or still water? Fizzy...the more white water, the happier I am...*S*

One pillow or two: My rule is you can never have ENOUGH pillows.

Adidas or Nike: Nike

Nike or Reebok: Nike

Beach or city? Either

Summer or winter? Summer

Touch-tone or rotary phone: Touch tone, obviously...I can't use my prepaid cards otherwise...*L*


Abortion: Whether I believe in it or not, it happens. It's really a traumatic decision to make, and I'm personally glad it's not up to me to make that choice for someone
God: I definitely believe in a higher power, though exactly WHAT it is, I have no idea
Ghosts: Yes, I do...very much so
Aliens: You'd have to be pretty damn arrogant NOT to believe in life in other worlds
Angels: Spirits are like anything else...some represent good, others represent evil. I'm sure wings and halos and whatnot are totally optional to each idividual persuasion
Heaven/Hell: Not in the biblical sense, no
Meeting, falling in love, and living happily ever after: Meeting and falling in love are relatively easy...it's the happily-ever-after that's difficult


Rubber: Condoms
Rock: On
Green: Jade
Wet: Sex
Cry: Frequently
Peanut Butter: Sandwichess
Paper: Crap


Animal: Dogs, Cats

Color of socks: Whatever goes with my outfit...WTF kind of question...?

Number: I like odd numbers because they represent feminine force.

Movie: Oh boy...here we go...*L* All them Star Wars movies, Labyrinth, The Matrix, The Wedding Singer, Raiders of the Lost Ark, American Beauty, Silence of the Lambs, The Green Mile, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Charlie's Angels, The Neverending Story, 10 Things I Hate About You, Beetlejuice, Jaws, Edward Scissorhands, The Shawshank Redemption, Friday, Higher Learning, A Nightmare on Elm Street 1 & 3, A Bronx Tale, Girl Interrupted, A League of Their Own, Now and Then, Stand by Me ...and I'm sure there's others...*LOL*

Musician: AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Goo Goo Dolls, Garbage, Everclear, Madonna, Smash Mouth, Foo Fighters, TLC, Tori Amos, Korn, INXS, Destiny's Child.

Male actor: Harrison Ford, Keanu Reeves, Heath Ledger, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, Will Smith

Female actor: Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci, Meg Ryan, Angelina Jolie, Susan Sarandon

TV Show: South Park, The X-Files, Frasier, The Simpsons, Ed

Food: No comment

Fast Food: McDonald's, KFC

Phrase: "You must be confusing me with someone who gives a shit"

Season: Summer, Spring & Winter

Colors: Deep blue, Black, Lavender, Silver, Teal

Flower: Lily

Sport to watch: Basketball, Football, Cricket

Sesame Street Character: THE COOKIE MONSTER!!! Ah-ah-ahhhh!!!! *gglz*

Looney Toon Character: Taz Devil


Memory: School...period

Movie: Showgirls, Bats, Howard the Duck, those accursed Blue Lagoon movies, Natural Born Killers, ...and I KNOW there's others...

Subject in school: History!!!!!!!!!! I didn't care much for American History, either. In order for me to learn about something, I have to be interested in it first.

Holiday: Christmas...it's just been so bastardized from its real meaning.


What is the best thing a girl could do for a guy or a guy could do for a girl? The best thing ANYONE can do for ANYONE is accept them for who they are

What do you really think of Britney Spears? She looks, acts, and sounds like Mel Gibson & Mariah Carey had a baby...*L*

What color is your bedroom's carpet? White

What are your true feelings toward the opposite sex? No general feelings...only feelings about them as individuals...but, if you wish to generalize, some are fabulous, and some suck a huge kangaroo ball.

How many times did you fail your permit and/or driver's license test? Once...

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? I came close...DAMN close...

Which single store would you choose to max your card? Rebel Sport.

What do you do most often when your are bored? Find something to do...*L* What, you thought I'd say, "fuck myself"? Get your head outta the gutter!

Words or phrases you overuse: "Look, it's an armadillo.
Season: Spring & Autumn

Colors: Deep blue, lavender, silver, black

Flower: Lily

Sport to watch: Basketball, Football, Cricket

Shape of Ice: Who goddamn cares as long as it's cold?

Sesame Street Character: THE COOKIE MONSTER!!! Ah-ah-ahhhh!!!! *gglz*

Looney Toon Character: Taz Devil


Memory: High school...period

Movie: Showgirls, Bats, Howard the Duck, those accursed Blue Lagoon movies, Natural Born Killers...and I KNOW there's others...

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