** Welcome to Vincent's franchise **

A piece of St. Theresa's Prayer to everyone, including all affected by any disaster

Hi folks,

As you can see here, this page needs further updates as time goes by. I rebuilt my website from scratch several years ago after, without being notified beforehand, the defunct of the host of my old website. I'd be tempted to mention what that bad-guy website hosting company is, but since I heard that someone else suffering the same problem got a warning from that company, I had to give up my thought. Since my busy schedules prevents me from finishing everything all at once, this site won't be done all at once. So, be patient, and come back later. I'm sure you'll be more excited next time. In the meantime, here's my not-so-updated resume (yet needs more works still)...

"He who loves her loves life; those who seek her out win her favor." -- Sirach 4:12


Something about me:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." -- Revelation 22:13


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