The Fellowship (FS) is a powerful firm of lawyers with international ties. They possess an important influence on the Singapore courts. They have a huge presence in the NUS law faculty, where they have set up their base of operations and their training center.


            Lawyers in the FS are the epitome of coolness; dark, suave, smooth and usually clad in sunglasses.


 Although viewed with suspicion by the general population - as icons of dishonesty and decadence - it has long been established that the lawyers serve an important purpose in society. In fact, these lawyers are not at all evil and serve higher purposes of fairness, justice and, of course, reasonableness, using their powers to curb undue influences in society and facilitate restitution vengeance etc...


            But yet these powers carry a price, and that is the secret of the Fellowship...



Fadzli is the director of the fellowship. Fadzli is an egocentric and extremely charismatic leader who has visions of "reforming" the law fraternity. He is always clad in sunglasses.



Alvin is Fadzli's second-in command and old friend. Lately rumours have spread like wildfire about a rift beween the two.



Jon is the logical successor to the directorship of the FS. However, he is marred by his quick temper and a fiery disposition.

Audrey is one of the most loyal lieutenants in the FS. Even though she is sometimes slow of thought, her usefulness to the FS is not diminished in any way.



Marcus is the gentle one in the board. He is slightly effeminate. He goes everywhere with his trademark orange shades, which represents the forefront of eye wear fashion.

Gee Hou talks and acts like Morpheus in the Matrix. He is always clothed in a cool black suit, and wears a pair of sunglasses all the while. However, he is actually a normal man called Morp.


THE G1/G2s

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