.: matric week :.

Law Matriculation Week marks the 3rd and final tier of the Law Orientation 2003.  It lasts for a week and starts on NUS Matriculation Day.

For Law Campers i.e. students who have attended law camp, Matriculation Week is but a continuation of the fun and excitement of law camp.  For the non-campers, it will be their first opportunity to partake in the vibrancy of law school. One of the key highlights is a Carnival where orientation groups set up stalls and everyone dresses up to theme, joining in the festive mood.  The grand finale of Matric Week is an overnight stay at Sentosa ending with Beach Bash the next day.  The lethal combination of sun, sand, sea and bikini babes is set to blow your minds off!

Of course, as the adage goes, Play Hard, Work Hard. Serious issues such as your academic life (the only serious issue actually!) cannot be omitted. During Matric Week, administrative issues will be resolved which are essential to start you off on the right track in law school. This will be your best chance to source for information from the experienced year 2s, and there will also be introductory talks by our Dean and lecturers.



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