

= This is an intermediate Role Playing game, so I expect correct spelling, long posts, detailed description, and good grammer.
= I suggest you read the information page as wel as this one.
= Swearing, violence, ect. is allowed, but don't overdo it...
= Porm is not allowed. NO exceptions!
= This is like life, all kinds of sexuality are allowed.
= You may play as many characters as you like, but keep them all active.
= Respect everyone! That includes no powerplaying or God-moding
= Write as if you were writing a shortened novel. I hate words like 'pon and bruja (which, by the way, is not really a word)

= Fill out the form at the
bottom of this page
= We want very diverse personalities here, so make your characters as unique as possible! I don't want to see all Indigos introverted, all Neutrals evil killers, and all normal citizens ignorant and indigo-hating. That's boring.
= Be as descriptive as possible with your appearance and history.
= Don't join any characters under the age of 9, until they have a guardian over 18.
= The first time you join a character, you must post a sample post. This will allow me to see your skill level! If you have trouble thinking of what to write about, just have your character coming to Riverwood or talking about their life there

= There will be active tests at the beginning of each month, These will take place on the OOC board.
= Anyone who doesn't reply to the active tests will be given a few days to reply after the initial end date. If they still do not show up, I will be forced to delete the characters on the members page.
= I don't care how many characters you play, just keep track of them all.
= Age your characters how you like, but in this game the seasons change like they do in real life.

= The Indigos started coming in 2005, so no Indigo should be over 20 years of age.
= Indigos can join the Lightworkers at any age, but they begin training when they turn 13. They can help with the scouting (looking for undiscovered Indigos) after the age of 16.
= All Indigos who have begun their training with the Lightworkers will receive a quartz crystal necklace that must be worn at all times.
= Like I mentioned above, I don't want to see all Indigos as introverted, nervous kids that live depressed lives and are untrusting of people. It is FAR too overdone. Be creative!!

Psychic abilities

= Only Indigos have psychic abilities.
= You may have up to TWO (2) abilities if your character is Indigo. Choose from the list on the
Information page or suggest your own.
= The current ablities are listed at the bottom of the
'Information' page.
= If you have a suggestion for any other abilities, please feel free to bring them up on the OOC board.

= To join the Neutrals you must be at least 16 years old.
= Neutrals may be Indigo, but your chances of being caught AND neutralized are extremely high!
= Yes, your character can be captured and neutralized. If they are, they can die (only with player's permission), have brain damage, or merely lose their powers.
= In some situations, a Neutralized Indigo can be repaired through a healing by another Indigo.
= Not all Neutrals have to fear or hate Indigos. They CAN have doubts! (Which always makes things much more interesting)

= Humans can be supporters of Indigos or they can be non-supporters.
= Humans have the right to turn in any Indigo that has been discovered (meaning they can report to the Neutrals who is Indigo and who is not) but that does not make them automatically caught.

Join Post

OOC Name: *
Email: *

Character name:*
Age: *
Gender: *
Race: (indigo or human) *
Abilities: (if indigo, choose ONLY TWO from the list on the information page)
Appearence: *
Personality: *
Sample Post: *
Please read the Information page as well as this one. It will explain many of the things here.


Main Street
Kat's Cafe
The Club
Public Library
High School

The Caves
Forest of Beginning
Quartz Passage

The Institute
Concrete Building

The Abandoned Mines
The Pits

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