
Full Story
It began in the spring of 2005, the changes in humanity's gene pool that would affect the entire world for years to come. But it truly began in a small town in the United States of America. The town was called Riverwood, a charming place with friendly people and a wonderful landscape. In 2005, it was a small town in which no person did not know their neighbours or what went on in their lives. Things were perfect in the paradise-like Riverwood, as perfect as the citizens wanted to say.
   The first changes began on April 14th, in a hospital where a mother la cradling her newborn daughter. She smiled as her husband peered over her shoulder at their bundle of joy. The child did the same, staring with bright, healthy blue eyes. Their daughter reached up, spreading her tiny hands high in the air. Her parents watched this strange expression and wondered what had made their baby do this. Her father leaned forward with one finger, thinking the child wanted something to hold, but quickly pulled it away again: his hand burned at his daughter's touch. He called for the nurse, who prompty came running over to see what the fuss was about. Halting the frightened questions from her parents, the girl began to hum softly in a continuous tone. The nurse placed her hands on the child's but yanked them away quickly, her fingers turning red and white as if she had touched a hot pan. With a soft gasp of disbelief, she called out for her assistant to get help.
   When the nurse turned back, the child had closed her eyes and for a moment, the woman thought she had died of whatever fever had gripped the less-than-a-day-old baby. The mother began to weep, demanding the nurse tell her what had happened. Still cautious of the girl's hands - which semed to be the only affected body part - the woman lifted the child from her mother's arms and attempted to give it CPR. She hesitated and discovered that the baby was still breathing, but in short gasps. A doctor rushed in the door, stethoscope in hand. The nurse didn't have time to warn him to avoid her hands,
his hand had already brushed them. In an instant his arm burst  into blue, hot flames and he ran screaming as he lit the room with an eerie glow.
   Terrified, the nurse tried to put out the flames, but nothing seemed to extinguish  the flames. With a glance to the moster-child still laying on the bed, she gasped: the blue flames were being released from her hands wherever friction was created. Minutes later the room was lit by a hole in the ceiling and all that was left was a pile of rubble and a baby bawling in the heap of nothing she had created. Her mother and the doctor had perished in the flames and her father and the nurse had been severely burned.
   The child was taken by government officials the next minute: they stormed in and left with her sedated.  The girl's father would have nothing to do with her as he lay in intense pain in the hospital bed. Instead he contemplated the events. Under the stress and pain he was in, it was no wonder it drove him insane.
   The girl was taken to an old concrete building just on the outskirts of town. They placed her in a room with walls of bullet-proof glass so that they could observe her. They dubbed her 'I41-B' and over a series of weeks they performed tests and watched her intently. Their last experiment was to sedate her and operate on her brain to remove the organ they believed caused these abnormalities: a tiny circular gland located just behind her forehead. When she awoke after the procedure she stared blankly from stark grey eyes, once vividly blue. She was useless now, and the gland (which they called the Indigo Receptor, spawning the name of the children) had burned itself to nothing.
   All the while the rumours of fear spread throughout the town and with teh help of the media, throughout the world. The people of Riverwood would not soon forget the day John Henderson had gone insane when his daughter exploded a hospital room. The empty house that now stood on Oaklin road was all too ominous to the quiet residents of Riverwood. Soon calls for an explanation rang out all over the world as more and more children were found to have this gland. Soon the government couldn't hide the fact that something was happening to humans and so they isssued a warning to turn in any child who displayed unnatural abilities to the authorities. All such children were taken to institutes and research centers, studied, and then 'Neutralized' as the Henderson's daughter had been. Few children survived the torture and the entire time, there was only one who excaped...
   Evvy Reed was the girl, a 13 year old who, in 2018, escaped the cluthes of the Neutrals and fled to the forests. Although they searched for her, they always returned empty-handed. In the forest, she met many other lost children who had fled their homes for no reason at all at the exact moment she had escaped. They did not know why they had left so suddenly in the night, they only understood that something was not right and it was no longer safe at home. Evvy gathered them together, ages ranging from as young as 4 to as old as 13. She took it upon herself to lead them to a series of caves that one boy had found while wandering.
   After a meeting in the caves, Evvy, along with several other older children, went in search of others who had found their way here. When she finally found them all she told them what they must do. This child's actions eventually lead to the creation of 'The Lightworkers'.
   They would go into exile... they would find somewhere safe to hide until whatever was happening had stopped. Almost all of the Indigos looked for leadership in Evvy, but some did not agree. They argued that the humans would not accept them and it was best to disguise yourself in your own homes. Jake Waroon, a 13 year old boy, had suggested they just go back to their homes and pretend nothing had happened. Evvy told him it was a foolish idea that would get them all killed, or worse, Neutralized. Jake grew angry with the girl and left with his followers. The remaining children began their new life in the caves.
   Over time they discovered that each child had a different ability that could be put to use. Telepathy, conjuring fire, telekinesis, healing and many others were used to help them survive. They would seek out the other Indigos and when the they found them, meet with them in the forest and explain. Some children discovered their abilities or were found out, they often found the Lightworkers' society was a save haven. In teh back of teh caves they found a passage rich with quartz crystals. These stones seemed to help keep them in control, especially of the dangerous fire that some had.
   The exiled children who had followed Jake had returned to an urban life, but some had been found out. In hatred of the 'Normals', they had fled to the abandoned mines. There they plotted how to use their power only to help them survive in this killer's world.
   In the year 2022, Evvy was killed trying to save a boy from neutralization, but her legacy still lives on in the Lightworkers.

Current Indigo Abilities

Clairaudience = the ability to hear the thoughts of others and to telepathically communicate with other people/animals when physically touching that person/animal (an animal or non-clairaudient cannot answer telepathically)
Telekinesis = moving or changing the shape of matter with only the mind (ex: bending a spoon, lifting a rock), may cause fainting.
Healing = repairing damaged body parts by speeding up the healing process or regenerating flesh, may cause fainting.
Pyrokinesis = the ability to control natural fire or create coloured fire (unique to the user) that can be designed to be heatless, smokeless, lightless or the complete opposite of those that can be controlled by the user.
Shapeshifting = the ability to change into any animal on earth.
Flight = a pair of angel-like wings of any colour (unique to each person) that allow them to fly.
Empathy = sensing the emotions of humans or animals around, also allows one to tell between lies and the truth.
Protection = the ability to create a sheild of energy that lasts as long as one has strength that can encompass the user, or anything else. May also be designed to make all within the bubble invisible but can still be heard/smelled/felt.
Clairvoyance = the ability to see visions of the past/present/future by merely touching a person/thing. Not all visions come true, as the future is not set.
Hyrdokinesis = the ability to control/create water, often connected to one's emotions.
Terrakinesis = the ability to control seismic activity (earthquakes) or plant-life, often connected to one's emotions.
Atmokinesis = the ability to control all weather, often connected to one's emotions.

(please feel free to suggest any new abilities on the OOC board. I would love to add them to the list)


Main Street
Kat's Cafe
The Club
Public Library
High School

The Caves
Forest of Beginning
Quartz Passage

The Institute
Concrete Building

The Abandoned Mines
The Pits

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