Welcome to my pages Photos of Misty We love Misty Meet my siblings Cancer sucks Meet my mommies.
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Peanut is my sister. We lived together in Hawaii. We moved apart years ago, but I got to visit Peanut as much as possible since that time. Sadly, my sister Peanut, who was the same age as me, has passed away. I will always remember my first sister and I miss her very much.



Fester!! This is my brother. My mommies rescued him and I was not very happy at that time. I let my mommies know this by throwing up for 2 days and not eating! That showed them! From that point, they promised I would always be king of the house and Fester would be my servant. Fester is goofy and he has body odor. He's not exactly brilliant, either, but, he's a dog- what do you expect?!?!



Violet-Winnie is my sister, and she is from Seattle, too. I HATE when my mommies let her out of her cage to play. She is mean to me and Fester. I know she is just jealous of me, that is why she chases me. Sometimes I let her land on me, because then my mommies will put her back into her cage, and they tell her to leave me alone. I don't know why she is called a love bird when she is so mean and crabby.

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy....
This is a neighborhood cat that I don't really like. She lives in Las Vegas, a few houses down. My mommies feel sorry for her because her humans don't take good care of her and let her wander in the street. When she comes in MY yard, my mommies won't let me go outside, (so I won't catch any germs) and I look at her through the window. Is that fair? It is my yard!!!



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