Mas fotos de los Canteros
(More Flower Beds)

Cantero de los jarrones
Large Jar's flower beds

Otra foto del cantero
Another picture from the flower bed


En estos canteros (son dos, uno a cada lado) hay rosas, abelias, hemerocallis color salmon,espuelas de caballero,sisyrinchium striatum ( enano) , hemerocallis crema y algunos lirios.

They are two "Jar's flower beds", one at each side, with the view from the house pointing to the big pond. There are Roses ,Abelias,  hemerocallis, annuals ("Espuela de caballero"), little sisyrinchium striatum and spots of lilies (a variety that looses it leaves in summer).



Esta es una zona de sombra, cerca del estanque chico...el piso es de canto rodado (no crecia el pasto) y los canteros son de plantas simples, resistentes y de bajo mantenimiento: Acanthus, senecio, dietes, agapanthus, calas, nandinas, salvia guaranitica...Una gran ventaja de los canteros de sombra es que no crecen prácticamente yuyos en ellos. La vista en esta foto pasa por el centro del circulo de pasto, con el Palo borracho al fondo.

This is a shade part of the garden, near to the little pond...we have put cobbles on the ground because grass didn't grow well at the shade and in places where you walk . The beds are done with very simple plants, resistent and "low care" ones. There are Acanthus Mollis, Senecio, Dietes, Agapanthus , Zantesdeschia, Nandinas, and Salvia Guaranitica (I believe this is a native plant)...One great advantage of the shade-beds is that there didn't grow "undesirable plants". In the picture above, the view goes throw the grass circle and ends in the "Palo Borracho" tree.(Chorisia)


Canteros de lirios, alrededor del circulo de pasto
Lilies flower beds, surrounding the grass circle

Primero florecen los blancos...
The white ones blooms first...


Palo borracho (Chorisia Speciosa)


Nandinas, bulbines,Iris germanica lila y amarillo
Yellow and lilac Irises,Nandinas and Bulbines Candescens

Lirios y nandinas
Iris and Nandinas


Catalpa, zona de sombra, lo que me parece mas interesante aqui son las formas de los canteros.Entre las plantas hay una que me gusta mucho que es Salvia Procurrens: Muy invasora, cubre todos los lugares de sombra (muchas veces ahogando otras plantas), pero muy rústica y con unas florcitas azules en primavera.

This tree is a "Catalpa", it's a shade zone of the garden too, the interesting thing here I believe that is the shape of the beds. Between the plants, there is one I like very much: Salvia Procurrens. She is very invadering, covers all the shade places (many times suffocating other plants), but very resistent and with lovely little blue flowers in spring.


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