K'Tesh's Klingon Recipe Pages: Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Serve these semi-authentic Non-Alcoholic drinks at your next Star Trek party.


Death is an experience best shared

Klingon Tea Ceremony: (tlhIngan Dargh Seq) Performed by two friends, this ceremony is a reminder that "death is an experience best shared" (Heghlu'DI mobbe'lu QaQqu' Hegh wanI'), and partly as a test of courage, as the tea is toxic to tlhInganpu. Without an antidote the tea would be quite deadly to a tera'ngan. ("Up The Long Ladder" [TNG])

The tea (Dargh) was made with white blossoms plucked from a branch (which to me looked like a dried cactus plant). The blossoms were placed in brass teacups (Dargh HIvje') and (presumably hot) water was added. The cups were held with both hands, and sipped like one would drink milk from a bowl.

Klingon Raktajino: Raktajino was identified as a Klingon Coffee in several episodes, but the best example was from "Trials and Tribble-ations". I do not have the official recipe, here try these mixes. The first is actually Klah which was taken from the book "The Dragonlover's Guide to PERN" based on the novels from Anne McCaffery. The second was sent by Ka'Diin Kasara of the KIDC, and the newest was sent by Kor 'a of the IKV bortaS.

Raktajino: Klah Version

2 Tbs. Sweet ground chocolate
1/2 cup dark cocoa
3/8 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Dark Instant Coffee Crystals Ground into powder
Pinch of nutmeg

Raktajino: House of Kasara blend

1 1/2 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
6 Tbs. instant coffee
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

Note: lightweight Terran friends may prefer a mix made with 3 tablespoons of instant coffee.

Makes approximately 14 servings.

For both versions mix all ingredients together, and store in airtight container.

To serve, use 3 teaspoons to 3/4 cup not-quite-boiling water. When served, the drink should be thick, much like hot cocoa

Raktajino: bortaS Blend

2 quarts of THAI TEA (at your local asian market) DOUBLE brewed!
1-2 cups sugar
sweet cream

fill your drinking container 3/4 full of Thai tea/sugar mixture, and add sweet cream to top! Enjoy!

Terran Raktajino: HEY FOLKS! The bottle of Raktajino seen in "The Art of Star Trek" is actually the bottle of one of Avery Brooks's favorite iced-coffee drinks. The Mountain-and-Leaf design seen in "The Art of Star Trek" and again in "The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide To The Future" was a convincing product of the art department at Paramount. If you read the label, you will see it is "100% Columbian", "GROWN ON THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH", and "IMPORTED BY HARCOURT FENTON MUDD".

I have yet to find out what Avery's favorite brand is. So, if you are at a convention, and happen to ask him which one it is, let me know and Your House Will Be Blessed With The Spirit Of Kahless!

I am aware that there is a company selling an expresso version of raktajino online, but as I cannot confirm if it is Avery's favorite brand of iced-coffee, I do not endorse this (or any other) comercial blend at this time.

Unidentified Klingon Drink: The drink Picard considered, however briefly, drinking in the episode "Matter Of Honor".

Your choice of coffee, WITH creamer, add Pak-Choi, Ming Choi, or Swiss Chard stems. It is important to remove all trace of the green leaves. Use a clear container.

Sour Tea: A common cure for most stomach ailments on the Homeworld. There is a saying "Sour tea cures everything". Recipe from "Conversational Klingon" sent by Khaywolf who likes it cold.

Use equal generous parts black tea and roasted green tea (available at oriental grocery stores), boil together for 10 minutes, and add sour salt (kosher section of store) to taste.

Prune Juice: (A TRUE WARRIORS DRINK) Worf's favorite drink that was introduced to him by Guinan. An alternative to prune juice is DR Pepper (its syrup is/was based on prune juice).


Hot Chocolate: It is common knowledge that Deanna Troi enjoys her chocolate... even in another quantum reality where Worf is her mate. ("Parallels" [TNG])

Hot Chocolate


1 cup half-and-half or cream
2-3 oz. milk chocolate
1 tsp. butter
1/4 tsp vanilla
mini-marshmallows (optional)


Mix chocolate, butter, vanilla over low heat until smooth. SLOWLY add cream. Pour over marshmallows. (This makes a very rich drink, so if you want, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup cream or half-and-half.)

Makes 1 cup.


Milk: Usually served with breakfast cereals, used in recipes, or consumed directly, Benny did something different... He used it to cool his forehead. ("Far Beyond The Stars" [DS9])

The milk was in an old fashioned milk bottle, complete with seal. We get a quick look in the refrigerator, but I couldn't recognize anything else inside it.

Coffee: Often ordered in the episodes of Star Trek (i.e. Kirk in "The Trouble With Tribbles" and "Trials and Tribble-ations", Picard and Crusher in "Attached". Chief O'Brien in "Armageddon Game" among MANY others)


Macchiato: Favored by Beverly Crusher, it is an espresso with a dollop of steamed-milk foam, served in an espresso cup. ("The Chase" [TNG])


Lemonade: Just out of Starfleet Academy, Sisko was enjoying a day on the beach with friends. Sent to get some lemonade, he paused to cool his feet from the burning sands, and met Jennifer, the woman he would later marry. ("Emissary" [DS9])

Orange Juice: Jake Sisko often has a large glass for breakfast. I highly doubt that the replicator would produce "From Concentrate" So use fresh squeezed.

Earl Grey Tea (hot): Picard's favorite. The tera'ngan Captain of the Enterprise D, commented that the sisters of the late Duras prepared excellent tea ("Redemption Pt. 1" [TNG])


Instant Ice Tea: White Rose Instant Red Tea, mixed with water forms an appalling drink that no self respecting Englishman (H.G. Well included) would consume. ("Far Beyond The Stars" [DS9])

I higly doubt that there was such a brand name in the 1950's, I suspect that the art department was being clever again.

Milk, Warm, A Dash Of Nutmeg: I don't know if you've had any rest in the past or the future, but if you haven't had any in the present, (along with 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep) this is the prescription for you! ("All Good Things" [TNG])

Root Beer: A favorite of Nog, also offered by Quark to Garrak (The Way of The Warrior). My favorite, if you can find it is Henry Weinhard's (GOOD STUFF!).

Root Beer Float: A tera'ngan beverage suggested by a Rotarin crewmember for Alexander Rozhenko ("Sons and Daughters" [DS9])

A glass of root beer, with a lump of ice-cream

Fruit Punch: Offered by Guinan to Samuel Clemens in "Time's Arrow, Part I" (TNG).

Hot Fish Juice: Cardassian breakfast drink of choice. Arne Darvin, agent and saboteur detested the stuff. ("Trials and Tribble-ations" [DS9])

Drain cans of tuna (packed in water) into a mug and heat...ugh

Guava Juice: Makes an attractive pinkish drink for replicators. For even more fun add food coloring to it.

Tang: Tang deserves an honorable mention here. It has actually been in space...Have you?


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listed recipes

Klingon Tea Ceremony
Klingon Raktajino
Terran Raktajino
Unidentified Drink
Sour Tea
Prune Juice
Hot Chocolate
Orange Juice
Earl Grey Tea
Instant Iced Tea
Warm Milk
Root Beer
Root Beer Float
Fruit Punch
Hot Fish Juice

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