The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[You will find they are immensely superior to droids]
Database: Organization: Military
3 BE | Clones 01
   Human clones
   Galactic Republic
   DC-15 blaster rifle
   Acclamator Cruiser
   AT-TE walker
   LAAT/i gunship
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Organizations Main | Clonetroopers - Soldiers of the Republic - Clone Officers | ARC Troopers | Army of the Republic
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Created by the best cloners in the galaxy, trained by
one of the greatest warriors of the age and tasked with
protecting the Republic in the biggest war of the
millennium, the clones of Kamino were the most
advanced soldiers around.

    The project was ordered by Sifo-Dyas, and carried
out by the cloners on Kamino. Led by Chief Scientist Ko
Sai, the program created ten thousand units within ten
years, and had a million more on the way. The bounty
hunter Jango Fett was picked to be the host, and was
on hand to provide extensive combat training to his
multitude of 'sons'. This was carried out in specially created facilities on Kamino that provided extensive combat simulations. Weapons and vehicles from Rothana Heavy Engineering were also on-hand.

    Each clone was grown in the Kaminoan cloning chambers at twice the speed of a normal human being. In ten years, the first batch of clones were already twenty years old and ready for battle. The Kaminoans strove to control every aspect of the clone's existance: their genetic structures were altered to create total obedience for their masters, and complete focus on their tasks. Any aberrant clones were usually reconditioned, though there were only around seven anomalies in every two hundred. The high sucess rate was due in part to the Kaminoans balanced development program and disciplined environment. As the accelerated learning the clones were subjected to could easily cause insanity, the Kaminoans balanced their programs. This meant that while the clones were completely developed in ten years, they did not have a normal personality by human standards.
The unmasked clonetroopers in Episodes 2 and 3 were played by Bodie Taylor. In every other scene they were computer generated. Daniel Logan played the clone children in Attack of the Clones
Played by:
Bodie Taylor (II, III)
   Temuera Morrison (III)
   Daniel Logan (II)

Clonetrooper Costume
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