A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
Database: Character: The Sith
23 AE | Palpatine 06
   86 (23 AE)
   The Sith
   Galactic Empire
   Dark side of the Force
   Imperial shuttle
[Only now, at the end, do you understand]
Played by:
   Ian McDiarmid (I, II, III, VI)
Voiced by:
   Clive Revil (V)

Main | Humble Roots - Instigator - Chancellor's Crisis - Buildup to War - Masterplan Revealed - The New Order - Rebirth
For The Empire Strikes Back, Palpatine was played by an old woman who had the eyes of a chimpanzee superimposed over her own. The voice was provided by Clive Revil
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Palpatine gallery
With his place at the head of the Empire secure,
Emperor Palpatine watched his New Order grow to
encompass the entire galaxy in darkness. He believed
nothing could threaten the Empire he had taken so long
to build...but it was this overconfidence in his abilities
that ensured his demise.

    Palpatine had been leading the Empire for twenty
three years, in which time he had wiped out the Republic
completely and made sure he was feared across the
galaxy. He abolished the Senate and turned Coruscant
into Imperial Center, home of his colossal Imperial
Palace. He built upon the foundation of the Imperial Navy
- once the Army of the Republic - with Star Destroyers
and even larger ships such as the Super Star Destroyer
and the mighty Death Stars. He promoted his best officers to new positions, controlling entire sectors of Imperial space. The complete control Palpatine had sought for years was finally his to wield.

    However, he was not without opposition. Although he didn't consider them a threat, a group of rebels had formed an alliance, and proposed to topple the Empire and restore the Republic. Palpatine believed the band of freedom fighters could do nothing to harm his fleets, but over the years they slowly grew in number and power. Eventually, they struck a massive blow to the Empire with the destruction of the first Death Star. They were now a real problem to Palpatine's Empire. He ordered a new Death Star to be constructed, but despite the trouble caused by the Rebellion, Palpatine had a more important concern: the Jedi had returned. Palpatine had wiped out the Jedi Knights through the Clone Wars and terrible purges after the rise of the Empire, but it appeared not all had perished. Obi-Wan Kenobi had secretly trained the son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke, to destroy the Empire. Palpatine knew if Luke was anywhere near as powerful as his father, he could be in mortal danger.

    Palpatine attempted to have Luke turned to the dark side, but when Darth Vader failed to do so, the Emperor knew he would have to take matters into his own hands. He set a trap for the Rebellion above the moon of Endor, where the second Death Star lay unfinished in orbit. As the Rebels tried to destroy its defences, Luke was taken aboard the battle station to face the Emperor. Palpatine goaded Luke, trying to bring his anger to the surface, as he had done with Anakin over two decades earlier. But Luke was not as reckless as his father had been, and refused to give in. Eventually, Luke and Vader became locked in mortal combat, as the Emperor watched on, still trying to turn Skywalker. Vader also attempted to goad his son, but his only caused Luke to lash out and drive his father back. As Luke stood victorious over Vader, ready to deliver the killing blow, Palpatine taunted him again. Suddenly, Luke's anger faded, and he realized what he had been about to do. He refused to kill Vader, and faced the Emperor defiantly.

    The Emperor knew Luke would not turn, and decided to destroy him instead. He fired deadly Force lightning at Skywalker, depleting his life-force. However, Palpatine had underestimated the fallen Vader...and overestimated his sucess at turning Anakin. Vader picked his Master up, and flung him into the reactor shaft in his throne room. Palpatine fell as Anakin returned from the dark side, and his body was destroyed in a violent storm of dark Force energy. Finally, the most evil man in history was dead, killed by his confidence in himself and his powers.
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