A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[General Kenobi, years ago you served by father in the Clone Wars...]
Database: Character: Jedi Order
0 BE | Obi-Wan 06
   Jedi General
   38 (0 BE)
   Jedi Order
   Lightsaber (blue blade)
   Advanced Jedi starfighter
Main | Jedi Apprentice - The Trials - Knight's Promise - Jedi Sleuth - Jedi General - Loss - Desert Hermit
During production of Episode 3, a life-like model of Obi-Wan was created. It was nicknamed 'Obi-Wan Fauxobi'
Played by:
    Ewan McGregor (I, II, III)
   Sir Alec Guiness (IV, V, VI)

Oh-bee Wahn Ken-oh-bee
Obi-Wan Online
Czech Obi-Wan Fansite
   General Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi gallery
6 trivia questions
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The Clone Wars ended after three years of vicious
fighting across the galaxy, but for General Kenobi and
his friends, the danger was far from over.

    Obi-Wan took part in the final battle of the Clone Wars,
which saw great losses for the Republic, but also the
end of the Confederacy of Independant Systems. The
survivors returned to Coruscant, believing the fighting
was over. However, Obi-Wan was about to face more
troubles. Anakin Skywalker had been slowly falling to the
dark side for many years, though Obi-Wan didn't believe
he would actually sucumb to the darkness. He believed
he had trained Anakin as well as Master Yoda could
have. His mistake cost him dearly. Anakin and Obi-Wan
got into a heated argument, which led to a deadly
lightsaber duel. Obi-Wan was reluctant to fight his former apprentice, but found he had no other choice. Anakin was badly wounded in the battle, and Obi-Wan left him for dead, carrying Skywalker's lightsaber with him.

    Anakin did not die, however, but became Darth Vader, and joined Emperor Palpatine, who had created a terrifying new Empire shortly after the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan knew he and his friends were not safe. They fled, and Obi-Wan adopted the name Ben to hide his identity. Anakin's wife, Padm�, had given birth to twins; they would not be safe either, Ben knew. The Jedi was now a fugitive, hiding out on a planet whose leader helpfully accepted him. Soon after, he had the twins seperated: Anakin's daughter was adopted by Bail Organa on Alderaan, while Ben took the son of Skywalker to Tatooine, and Anakin's step-brother. Owen Lars eventually agreed to care for the boy, but never wanted to see Ben again. The former Jedi and war hero set off into the twin sunset as a fugitive and a hermit, tasked with watching over the last hope for the galaxy which now lay in the arms of Owen Lars.
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