I was born in a small town somewhere in Pennsylvania where I have pretty much spent my life. I grew up with two older brothers (which made me the baby of the family) and had a lot of hard times because they picked on me a lot. Most of the time my brothers would pick on me because I liked The Monkees. They never understood why I liked a group that was before my time-era. To me the answer was easy...the group not only had style, they were cute too.

I came to like The Monkees back around 1987. Although I won't go into full details about how I came across the cool group, I will say that I am glad that I did. If I had not come to like them, I would not have the great Monkee friends I have today.

My favorite Monkee is Peter Tork...mainly because his character seem to have the most fun. His character was picked on and made fun of and that was something I could relate to in my own life (I was picked on a lot growing up because I liked The Monkees). His character brought a lot of laughter into my life. Anytime I would watch the show, the things he would say would brighten up the episode and make me laugh. One of my favorite lines of his is from my favorite episode, "Success Story" where Peter has wings on in the airport and says "Don't fly! Don't fly! Don't fly! If you get too close to the sun your wings will melt!" (LOL) The other three Monkees were just as cool and I even have my days where my favorites will change (where one day Peter will be my fave, the next day Davy, another day could be Mike and another day Micky).

Really though The Monkees have had an impact on my life more than they will ever know. Back in 1997, my husband and I were expecting our first baby. But the events of her birth did not go so well. The ironic thing is, The Monkees were on the Today Show on the 22nd of August performing live. My baby was born on the 24th (two days after the Monkees appeared on the Today Show) of August and she passed away on the 25th. So that entire week, as you can imagine, I was down-hearted. After I was released and after our daughter's funeral, we went home and that was hard. To get things off my mind, I put in the recorded 'Today Show' in and immidately began feeling better. I then put in some of my Monkee tapes and began feeling better even more. They eased up the pain during that tough week and I have never forgotten it.

Aside from the Monkees, my interests are writing stories, letters to pen-pals, collecting stickers, colored pens/pencils, trinkets (like key chains), canvas stuff (yarn--though I'm not great at it, I still like to mess with the yarn/canvas), going to amusement parks, medevil fairs, visiting with my friends (on and offline), watching the NFL and Nascar, spending time with my husband and my children, listening to Christian Contemporary, Gopsel, Oldies, some 80s and very little 90s interests change on a constant basis so it's hard telling what else I may add to my like list.

There is not much else to tell you about me other than I am happily married. My husband, Mark, and I in our 11th year of marriage (Aug 3) and together we have three children living and an angel in Heaven. Brandon is eight, Talia is seven and Kathryn is six.

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1 There's No Place Like Home 2 Davy's Page 3 Micky's Page
4 Peter's Page 5 Michael's Page 6 Something coming soon
7 Monkees Addresses 8 You are on the About Krista page 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 Links, Links and More Links 18

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