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- Showtime Lakers Poll 7/24 -
Since the Lakers do not have Grant or Lue, do you think the Lakers will have a chance to win the NBA Finals again?

Of course
Not sure
Probably not
Absolutely not


The Horry Story

By Karen (Main Writer)

During the summer, Robert Horry might choose to opt out of his contract with the Lakers to go to Houston. His daughter was born with something and the family might want to stay in Houston together. If Robert "unpredictable" Horry decides to leave, the Lakers are in huge trouble.

So, if Horry leaves and plays for Houston, the Lakers would need a new back-up power forward. Plus, the Rockets would probably become a playoff team. But I get the feeling Horry will stay. With 2 back-to-back rings in Houston and 2 back-to-back rings in LA, he has mixed feelings on which team he should go to. All the other guys in the Lakers want him to stay, I�m sure. And having a better chance of winning another championship might influence his decision.

When he�s a Laker, he is also the fresh prince of LA. If he goes back to his other team, then he�ll just be Robert Horry. But then again, he was like a star player when he used to play for the Rockets. It sure sounded like he was leaving when he made his speech during the parade on Monday.

Robert Horry shouldn�t be leaving the Lakers! He�s about the best clutch player that the Lakers have. His 3-pointers are accurate which makes him valuable to the team. He plays great defense (along with Horace Grant) against those other great power forwards in the western conference. Such as Chris Webber, Rusheed Wallace, etc.

In conclusion, my final prediction is that Robert Horry will stay with the Lakers. Note from author: Hey everyone, I was just reading over some of this stuff and I apologize for how bad this article sounds. prediction was correct =) .
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