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- Showtime Lakers Poll 7/24 -
Since the Lakers do not have Grant or Lue, do you think the Lakers will have a chance to win the NBA Finals again?

Of course
Not sure
Probably not
Absolutely not

Laker Trivia Montly Contest

***Please answer all questions as completely as possible. If you feel there is an error, use your "best" answer. If you're positive we screwed up the question, drop us a line in your email explaining your case. SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO: [email protected] for the time being.

***Please read the rules before participating.


1. Each Wednesday morning, a set of 5 trivia questions will be posted online.

2. You are to send in the answers to the questions by 12am PST on Saturday morning.

3. The emails will be tabulated and the winners will be posted the next week on this very page, along with questions to the subsequent contest and answers to the last one. In order to be a winner, you must get all of the questions correct.

4. After a four weeks, we will have a drawing. We will put all the names of the winners in a basket. We will only draw one name and give him a prize. Remember, the more weeks you are a winner, the better chance you'll win.

5. PLEASE SEND YOUR ANSWERS FROM A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. If you don't, your choices and the chance of winning will be nullified.

6. Send all answers to [email protected]. Emails sent anywhere else are invalid. Also please include a NAME OR NICKNAME for posting purposes if you are to win.

7. Only ONE submission per person per week. If you send us multiple guesses and we find out, all your attempts will not count and you will be disqualified and possibly prohibited from taking part again.

8. An individual may play each week, even if he/she has previously won a prize. However, this rule will be at the discretion of Stephen.

9. Any questions or comments? Email me at [email protected] or talk to my via IM at adoniz guy


1. Who is the only Laker to play basketball and play professional football in the NFL?
2. Who was the first Laker to be inducted into the hall of fame?
3. Who is famous for is patented hook shot?
4. Where was Robert Horry born?
5. True or False: The Lakers have played both with and against Horace Grant.
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