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- Showtime Lakers Poll 7/24 -
Since the Lakers do not have Grant or Lue, do you think the Lakers will have a chance to win the NBA Finals again?

Of course
Not sure
Probably not
Absolutely not


Next Years NBA Champs

By Karen (Main Writer)

During the 1999-2000 season, the Lakers had a regular season record of 67-15 and a playoff record of 15-8. During the 2000-2001 season, the Lakers had a regular season record of 56-26 and a record 15-1 during the playoffs. What�s going to happen next year? Are the Lakers really that good, or have the rest of the teams just worsened? Are the Lakers winning because nobody can stop Shaq, or is it because nobody can guard Kobe?

With the draft coming up in less than a week, those teams who actually have draft picks *ahem* Minnesota Timberwolves *cough* will be adding new young players to their teams. This year�s NBA draft has so many high school players that it�s hard to tell whether these new players will actually improve these other teams. But then again, Kobe came straight out of high school, didn�t he? Look at him now! Anyway, many sports critics are predicting that a lot of these high school players will go into the draft as the top ten draft picks. The point I'm trying to make is that when the other teams improve, it�s only going to make it harder for the Lakers to three-peat. But will it stop them? Well, I guess it would depend on what actually happens to these teams. And it also depends on the Lakers' power forwards and some other free agents that they have.

I remember a few weeks ago, a commentator asked Rick Fox about the Lakers' chances of a three-peat. He said something about asking one of those "cats" with the championship trophy. That was before Shaq was talking about a three-peat. A couple of days later, the entire team was talking about a three-peat, and how am I supposed to disagree with that? Everyone just backs up whatever Shaq says, I guess. That�s just the type of team they are.

Now, let's talk about the free agents. There are seven of them: Horace grant, Ron Harper, Isaiah (J.R.) Rider, Ty Lue, Mike Penberthy, Robert Horry, and Greg Foster. The team will be just fine if they keep Ty Lue and Robert Horry. But then again, who�s going to back up Shaq, huh? They can always use Devean George, Horace Grant, or Robert Horry. But if Horace and Horry leave, then I guess the Lakers are dead. And about J.R., I don�t know. He says he wants to stay, but I really don�t think the Lakers' staff will give him another chance. I really don�t know what to think of him. But if Chick Hearn wants him to stay, then I guess he is a good guy. The other thing I noticed was that when some other guy asked Rick about the three-peat was that fox asked the Lakers' GM if he was going to keep the team together first. He said that if they did, then they would definitely three-peat.

Well, next year, all the guys will be another year older, but Kobe will only be 23. Five years in the NBA and he still isn�t 23 yet. DANG!!! That guy is good. The Lakers need some guy to back up Kobe, though. But we definitely don�t need a new rookie. It�s okay if the Lakers don�t get any new players, but that�s probably very unlikely.
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