join us


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For a free information pack about how to join Kiwi HPV, just send us an email, containing your postal address.  

If you just can't wait, and would like to join us immediately, just fill out this membership form and post it back to us.

Members receive bi-monthly newsletters and special issues (hardcopy, in colour!), detailing all the HPV news and activity taking place in NZ and overseas. As well as providing these publications, we are building up a library of HPV periodicals and texts for the benefit of our members.

Membership costs are:
  • $30.00 pa (NZ residents & companies)

  • $45.00 pa (Rest of the world)

  • $60.00 pa (Corporate rate) - suit able for large companies or education suppliers. Receives two copies of every publication.   

Renewing your subscription

We operate a "rolling" set of subscription dates, meaning that your subscription will not become due until 12 months after you join.  The date that your subscription will lapse is printed on the mailer that comes with your newsletter, and have a reminder when it is due.

You can pay your subscription by sending a cheque or cash or money order (payable on a New Zealand bank) to our usual mailing address.

Alternatively, if you have a New Zealand bank account and would like to pay by internet payment (direct credit), here are the details.

Account Name: Kiwi Human Powered Vehicles Inc
Account Number: 12  3151  0166781  00

When you pay electronically, you MUST complete the references that appear on the Payee's bank statement (our bank statement, not yours) as follows:
  • First reference (usually called the particulars): Your name, as on the newsletter mailer.
  • Second reference (usually called the code): RENEWAL
  • Third reference (if available): not required
  • As an extra safeguard, send an email to our usual email address, giving the date and amount that you paid (and your name of course).

home page - about us - join us - contact details - events - photos - publications - library - projects - local supppliers - buy/sell - faq - what's new - links

 © Kiwi HPV Inc 2007

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