"...Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts." -- Zechariah 4:6, our team verse.


By Jeremy Rasmussen


June, 2008: Played in the Challenge Sports Lakeland 3v3 and won the men's open competitive division with a 5-0 record. We defeated The Misfits, including former KCS player and current boys soccer coach John (forgot how to spell his last name) in the finals. This qualifies us for the national 3v3 finals at Disney's Wide World of Sports in August.

Team Photo (L to R): Shane Provost (Wharton), Matt Pelillo (Brandon), Mike Danielson (California), Adam Francis (Bloomingdale), Justin Dethier (Bloomingdale), and Jeremy Rasmussen (Keswick Christian).

December, 2007: Played in alumni soccer game at Keswick. Good to see all of the old guys:

October, 2007:

In August, I went on a Men's Open Tour to Peru with former Keswick Coach Paul Shedd and Keswick players Phil Caldwell, Rob England, and Rob Verigan, along with Keswick six-a-side alum/Rowdies player Jeff Jones. See Flickr for photos!

Some 15 players from the different teams that we played accepted Jesus, not to mention many of the children with whom we did training, and even our bus driver! Beyond that, we were able to model sports ministry for the local believers and show them how they could use it to bring more people to know Christ.

On one particular trip between the city of Pucallpa and a Shipibo Indian village called Shambo, I counted no fewer than 12 soccer fields along the way. Those represented to me 12 little mission fields. Everywhere we went, soccer was un puente (a bridge) in communication with others. Even if you couldn’t speak much Spanish, you could kick around a ball with someone; then suddenly, you had something in common. I had the opportunity to share the gospel with several people in my best Spanglish.

God brought together a diverse team of 18 players from three different countries (USA, Peru, and Colombia) and ranging in age from 16-42 and bonded us together in a very short time.

One of the key players for whom I developed great admiration and affection was our captain, Hugo Galeano. Hugo played on the Colombian national team with Valderrama ("El Pibe"), and his excellent skills still show through, even though his professional playing days are over. After each game, Hugo would have us pray with the other team, and he would share his testimony (in Spanish). Even though I only picked up about half of what he was saying, I could see by the rapt attention of the other players that they were all listening. Everyone had great respect for him, and many seeds were planted. Hugo also had a great sense of humor and kept us in stitches the whole time.

We partnered with sports ministers (four Peruvians—Robert, Gerson, and Alex Escobar, and former national team player Leo Uejara—who played with us). These men will carry the torch of ministry after our tour. Robert (Bible Institute Director) and Tom Hough (missionary) are already thinking of putting together a team of CCB (Bible Institute) graduates and having the team go up and down the Ucayali River doing sports ministry like we did in Santa Rosita and Shambo.

Here are some other blessings God accomplished due to your prayers and support:

  • God provided excellent leadership with Coach Paul Shedd, and our host, South American Missions (SAM) missionary Tom Hough, along with Judson Bouchard and Aaron Kramer of the Missionary Athletes International’s Southern California Seahorses. All of these men are very passionate about their faith and set an excellent example for the rest of the group.
  • Even though there was some sickness, God provided healing for after we laid hands on guys and prayed for them.
  • We had the opportunity to model Christ's love through sports ministry with many children, who are often neglected in the Peruvian culture.
  • As the tour progressed, all of the players bonded in love more and more, and the Holy Spirit moved more powerfully. There were very memorable times of worship and fellowship together.
  • As many players shared on the last night of the trip, they wanted the changes they made on the trip (daily worship, bold witnessing, caring for others, being more Christ-like on and off the field) to continue after they got back home.

Please continue to pray for those that accepted Christ, as well as for God to continue working in the tour ministers’ lives. Also, pray for the many Peruvians that lost loved ones and homes in the devastating earthquake. (We felt it in Santa Rosita for about two minutes, but the devastation occurred far to the south of us, in Pisco.)

My prayers were answered personally in that my knees felt great, I was able to contribute as a player, I scored a couple of goals, and I was always a crowd favorite because I am about a foot taller than anyone else on those Shipibo teams! They called me "El Gigante". Also, I was one of the few who did not get sick whatsoever. Many people had nausea/diarrhea the whole time. I loved all the fresh fruits and vegetables, and felt great the entire trip. I also lost about five more pounds. Praise God!!

I should also mention that we played pretty good soccer. We won the tournament in Puerto Supe (1-0 in OT), and came in third of eight teams in the Indian tournament. Our record for the tour, including a 2-0 loss against a semi-pro team in Pucallpa, was 7 wins, 3 losses, and 1 tie.

Peru Tour team: Upper: Hugo Galeano (Colombia), Aaron Kramer (California), Ben Ortega (California), Buddy Bautista (California), Juan Estrada (California), Mike Guzman (California), Phil Caldwell (Florida, KCS grad), Rob England (Florida, KCS grad), Jeremy Rasmussen (Florida, KCS grad), Mike Keanan (California), Jeff Jones (Florida, former Rowdie), Paul Shedd (California, former KCS teacher/coach). Lower: Robert Escobar (Peru), Gerson Escobar (Peru), Mike German (California), Alex Escobar (Peru), Judson Bouchard (California), Alex Plana (California; dad is actor Tony Plana on "Ugly Betty"), Nate Smith (Oregon), Rob Verigan (Florida, KCS grad), Leo Uejara (Peru). Not pictured (sick): Mike Shaffer (Minnesota).

Former Keswick players, coaches, or opponents: I want to hear from you! Please sign my Guestbook (see below).


ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA -- In 1983, a group of athletes came together to earn the first state championship in any sport at Keswick Christian School.  I have archived the newspaper stories and photos from our championship year on this web site. Feel free to look around.

This page is dedicated to the coaches and players who made that special memory possible.

First, to Paul Shedd, who was our junior varsity coach, and later went on to coach three state champions of his own. After 20 years as a dedicated teacher and coach, Senor Shedd left Keswick to join
Missionary Athletes International.  Please pray for coach Shedd as he continues to reach young people with the message of Christ through the great sport of soccer.

Also, to Steve Short and Mike Raday, who pushed us to be the best we could be.  I remember how devastated I was not to make the team my sophomore year.  I knew I was good enough, but I knew I wasn't working hard enough to reach the high standards set by the coaches.  I worked all summer before my junior year and became a starter on our state championship squad.  It was the coaches' expectations that pushed me to excel.

Finally, to the players. We knew we had the makings of a good squad with Matt Schmidt and Dave Raday. But everyone underestimated us.

We had my buddy Kevin Crippen in the middle. Drew Logue came from St. Pete Christian and ended up scoring several game-winners for us. Chris Polski was a super-sophomore. Mike Johnson and Tom Shanley also gave us some goal-scoring power up front. And our defense...not to brag, but our defense was very intimidating--we had four defenders over six feet tall. I have covered prep soccer for the
St. Petersburg Times for the past 16 years and have never seen as big and imposing a back line.

There was Dan Snyder at sweeper, Duane Jeffers and Bob Strickland on the outside, and me at stopper. Brian Dapprich also played a lot at each of those positions. We had 16 shutouts in 23 games. We gave up a total of 11 goals the whole season. Our goalie, thought to be a question mark at the beginning of the year, turned out to be stellar. My bud, Dan Harrington, went on to be a top college keeper.

In all, it was the ultimate fulfilling experience--working hard for a goal and achieving it. And we did it with class. Keswick played a clean game of soccer. We were good sports, and I think, a good example for Jesus Christ.

We won, and we witnessed.  I'll never forget that year.


State soccer champions 1983 | Pre-season stories | Post-season stories | State final stories | A little about Keswick | Team photo and autographs | Directory of Related Links

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To contact us:


Jeremy Rasmussen
18103 Fairmead Court
Lutz, FL 33548
997-4942 (813)


Jeremy Rasmussen


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