Written by ker-plop

Ramza's on the run from the church and Lucavi, but he still has many friends that join up with him as he travels through Ivalice. This list will help you locate them all.


AGRIAS- (Permanent member)
You'll be working with Agrias at the beginning of Chapter 2, when she will be a Guest character. After leaving her behind at Lionel Castle, you will hook up with her again in Bariaus Valley, where she's being chased by Lionel troops. After you save her from the red-suited fiends, she'll permanently join you.

AgriasAgrias's Face

ALGUS- (Guest/Enemy)
SPECIAL CLASS: Squire w/some Break attacks
When Ramza and Delita set foot onto Mandalia Plains for the first time, they'll have to rescue Algus from some Death Corps goons. After this, he befriends you and battles with you until Teta is abducted from Igros Castle, when he leaves after an argument with Ramza and Delita. He reappeared at Fort Zeakden, where he murders Teta. You'll have to walk all over him if you want to continue the game. Oh, well. He was a snotty little punk anyway.

ALICIA- (Extra)
Alicia is one of Agrias's aides. She'll want to stay with her CO at the start of Chapter 2. If you have enough extras already (you can have four and have enough room for all the major characters on your roster), forget her. She starts with a random boost in some other ability besides Knight (She's had White Mage or Squire moves when I've gotten her).

ALMA- (Guest)
You'll be able to use Alma's wonderful Cleric abilities in two battles; once at Lesalia Castle and again in the final battles against Ajora. After you beat Ajora, she joins her big bro in his quest to flee from Ivalice.

AlmaAlma's Face

BEOWULF- (Hidden/Permanent member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Temple Knight
Beowulf is an optional character, but he's quite useful if you befriend him. First, go to Zeltennia Castle's bar and talk about the rumor about the cursed island, Nelveska. After this, head for Zarghidas Trade City, where Aeris will try to sell you a flower (buy it. You'll see why later). After this, head back to Goug Machine city, where Mustadio (you need him alive) and Besrodio will observe a strange, steel ball. After watching the sphere for a bit, head for Goland Coal City's bar and ask the bartender about the rumors about a ghost in the colliery. After getting your answer, head for Lesalia. The scene will show Ramza at a bar. Beowulf will walk up and ask if he can tag along to Goland. Say yes and head back to Goland. You'll be dragged into several battles. Once your team rescues Reis the Holy Dragon, Beowulf will permanently join up with you.


CLOUD- (Hidden/Permanent member)
Finding Cloud is simply getting Beowulf and Reis and then continuing a chain of events. After getting the Ex-Temple Knight and his "pet dragon," head back to Goug Machine City. Ramza will stick the Zodiac Stone that Reis had into the steel machine and Worker No.8 will appear (I'll discuss him later). After you get the lumbering tin can man, head for Nelveska Temple where you'll face his evil twin brother Worker No.7. Destroy him to get another Zodiac Stone, which you should take back to Goug. By this time, Besrodio will have found a time machine. Ramza pops the new stone in and Cloud pops out. He runs away when you meet him, though.
After squishing Dycedarg at Igros Castle, head for Bervenia Volcano and equip the Move-Find skill on a Lancer. Head for the highest rock mass on the map and you'll locate the Materia Blade, Cloud's sword. After getting this, head for Zarghidas Trade City, where Cloud will be rescuing flower girls as usual. Unfortunately, he's in over his head on this one and your team will have to come to his rescue. After you blow the baddies away, Cloud will sign himself up with your team.


DELITA- (Guest/Enemy)
SPECIAL CLASS: Squire/Holy Knight
This slimeball starts out as Ramza's friend, but slowly becomes his worst enemy. He's with your party all through Chapter 1, until after Fort Zeakden, where he supposedly blows up. He then appears again at Zirekile Falls, where you must help him protect Oveila from Gafgarion. After this, he leaves Oveila with you and takes off. The next time you see him is in Zeltennia Church, where he helps you defeat Zalmo. After this, the two go their separate ways, but Delita keeps tabs on Ramza and uses his heroics to his advantage. What a pain in the ass.

DelitaDelita's Face

GAFGARION- (Guest/Enemy)
Gafgarion is Ramza's employer in Chapter 2. He'll assist Ramza in battle during the fights at Orbonne Monastery, Dorter Trade City and Araguay Woods. After this, he'll turn on you at Zirekile falls, where you must defeat him. He'll turn up again at Golgorand Execution Site and Lionel Castle, where you finally send him to meet his maker. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


LAVIAN- (Extra)
Lavian is Agrias's other aide. She'll want to stay with her CO at the start of Chapter 2. If you have enough extras already (you can have four and have enough room for all the major characters on your roster), forget her. She starts with a random boost in some other ability besides Knight (She's had Monk or Black Mage moves when I've gotten her).

MALAK- (Enemy/Permanent member)
When you first encounter this exotic Hell Knight, he's not too nice to you. After you defeat him in Yardow Fort City, he retreats to Riovanes Castle, where you must beat him again. After you mop the floor with Velius, Prince Barinten will shoot Malak on the roof. After you scare Elmdor and his assassins away, Rafa will use the Scorpio Zodiac Stone to revive her brother. He then joins your posse.

MalakMalak's Face

MELIADOUL- (Enemy/Permanent Member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Temple Knight
At first, Meliadoul seems an unlikely candidate to assist Ramza. You first must battle her in Bervenia Free City. After being stomped, she takes off. She reappears in Limberry Castle's basement, where she helps Ramza destroy Zalera and his followers. After this, she apologizes to Ramza and gives him one of the Zodiac Stones. Then she becomes Ramza's newest friend.


MUSTADIO- (Permanent member)
You first encounter this plucky engineer when he's being chased by Bart Company's thugs in Zaland Fort City. After you save him, he'll become a guest for a while. When you reach Goug Machine City, he'll leave the party. When you try to leave the city, you'll be drawn into a battle against more Bart Company goons. Save Mustadio and his dad from the crooks and he'll be your friend for life.


OLAN- (Guest)
Orlandu's son and Oveila's cousin is an avid researcher. Unfortunately, that gets him into a lot of trouble. Ramza and company meet the guy in Goland Coal City as he's trying to flee from a gang of thieves. After you squish them, he thanks you. He then becomes Ramza's strongest supporter and uses his influence to get Orlandu to join you as well as make Oveila suspicious of Delita. Delita gets angry and tosses him in jail, however. After the game ends, Olan busts out and writes up a full report on what really happened during the Lion Wars. He's executed for this and the church confiscates the report, but that's another story.

ORLANDU- (Permanent member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Holy Swordsman
Orlandu has got to be one of the most useful characters in the game. You'll rescue him from an execution by (surprise surprise) Delita after you attack Bethla Garrison and open the floodgates. After you save him, he's your new best buddy.


OVEILA- (Guest)
You'll have the ill-fated princess's assistance in the battle at Zirekile falls, where she'll cast MBarrier on herself and your friends. After this fight, she doesn't do much else besides fall for Delita and get knifed by him. It's sad, but that's what you get for accepting assistance from a gang of Lucavi.

OveilaOveila's Face

RAD- (Extra)
Rad is Gafgarion's aide. At the beginning of Chapter 2 you'll be given the option to let him stay with you. If you already have enough extras (you can have four and have enough room for all the major characters on your roster), forget him. He starts with a random boost in some other ability besides Squire (He's had Oracle and Archer moves when I've gotten him).

RAFA- (Permanent Member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Heaven Knight
Rafa will come to Ramza for help in Yardow Fort City, where you'll have to blast the Riovanes punks that are chasing her (Malak included). After you squash them, she joins you as a guest until you reach Riovanes. You'll have to protect her from Elmdor and his assassins on the roof of the castle. After her brother is brought back to life, she gives Ramza her full support.

RafaRafa's Face

RAMZA- (Permanent Member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Squire (Advanced)
Ramza's your number one man. He's by far the most important character in the story, and he's the guy you start out with. Need I say more?

RamzaRamza's Face

REIS- (Hidden/Permanent Member)
SPECIAL CLASS: Holy Dragon/Dragoner
Reis has two forms; Holy Dragon and Dragoner. If you choose to keep her as a Holy Dragon, just pick her up when Beowulf permanently joins you. However, since she's Beowulf's lover you might want to be nice and help her turn back into a human. You do this by crushing Worker No.7 at Nelveska Temple. The Cancer Stone you recieve turns her back into the hottie that Beowulf fell in love with.


TETA- (Guest)
Teta is shot at Fort Zeakden and just lies in the snow until the place blows up. How's that for useless?


WORKER NO.8- (Hidden/Permanent Member)
You'll get this Mega Man reject when you go back to Goug Machine City after saving Reis. Ramza will activate him with the Aquarius Stone and he'll be 100 percent loyal. He's a monster, so he can't change jobs, but his Work abilities will come in handy.

ZALBAG- (Guest/Enemy)
Zalbag is Ramza's big brother. At first he doesn't believe Ramza when he says that the church is behind the Lucavi, but as he researches the matter, things start to shift his views. When he figures out that Dycedarg (his older brother) killed his father, he goes after his big bro and tries to fight him with Ramza and company's help. Unfortunately, when Dycedarg becomes the Lucavi Adramelk, he vaporizes Zalbag. Vormav then resurrects Zalbag as a zombie and you have to fight and defeat him in Murond Holy Place. Too bad; he's a cool guy.


In some random battles, monsters and other humans will appear and act as guests for your party. They're much more inclined to join you than the attacking enemies. If you desperately need some person, then go ahead and sign them up, but usually they're not worth it.


There are more guys in Tactics than just the fellows mentioned above. Here are three people you can recruit if you follow a lot of steps.

UTENA- (VERY Hidden Character)
This anime star can be unlocked by having Ramza enroll in Ohtori Academy. To open the way to Ohtori, Ramza must go to Zeltennia and get dared to ride by the castle on a Chocobo and moon Oveila when she's getting dressed in the morning. When this is done, the road opens and Oveila faints. After Ramza becomes a member of the student council, you must duel Utena for posession of the Rose Bride. After you win, Ramza and Utena flee the school in the Kozue Car and she joins his team.

TAI- (VERY Hidden Character)
SPECIAL CLASS: Digidestined
After you bring Cloud in through a time machine, if you walk around the map until Ramza is about 50 and then to back to Goug, Besrodio will have found a mysterious item. When Ramza pokes at it, it glows and Tai is spat out into Ivalice from the Digital World. Tai explains he was cut a raw deal in his TV career when the animation company switched the romantic pairings of Season 02 at the last minute so that his girlfriend went to his worst enemy. Ramza gets bored of listening to the kid complain and tells him that if he shuts up, he can join them. Tai shuts up and you get a new party member.

YUGI- (VERY Hidden Character)
This guy is the hardest to get. Battle at Finath River until you encounter a Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon and have Ramza use Throw Stone. There's a .5 percent chance that the rock will startle the beast into shrinking into a card (of course, he'll probably fry all your guys with his White Lightning spell before you can do that). Use the Move-Find function to pick it up. After you get the card, go to Zeltennia, where Yugi will be cornered in a back alley by drunken Moogles that want to grab part of his anatomy and bury it for the winter. Squish the moogles and he'll join your team.

DISCLAIMER: Utena, Tai and Yugi are not my characters and belong to their respective owners.
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