LATEST NEWS SECTION........Kent games to be screened on SKY next season...........LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Martin Saggers makes the provisional World Cup 2003 squad........LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Dave Masters leaves Kent for Leics.....LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Rob Key hits an unbeaten 174 for England against Australia 'A'.........LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Kent sign Sheriyar from Worcs.........LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Dave Fulton announced as sole captain for 2003.......LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Fixture list announced for 2003......LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Kent sign Peter Trego from Somerset......LATEST NEWS SECTION.....Kent CCC Awards 2002 - Saggy wins 4 awards......


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Kent County Cricket Club

Welcome to Meesch @ Kent County Cricket Club.  This is the totally un-official website completely (well okay. . almost completely) dedicated to all aspects of Kent CCC.  It's an off-the-wall site incorporating all the weird (Steve Waugh's wearing of tights surely can't be legal??) and wonderful (Martin Saggers over 100 wickets in a season or quite simply just Martin Saggers himself) things about the club and why, quite simply, we are the best.  As well as all that I'll also be covering the serious stuff with some thought provoking articles (or at the least very least I'll try).

They're surely the best county side ever (in my humble opinion) and for that reason I have created this site about them.  It will be updated daily during the cricket season and whenever there is news from the club throughout the winter (promise!!).  

This site is still only in the very (very, very!) rough stages of design.  The idea is that during the 2003 cricket season it will be filled with regular updates from the St. Lawrence with both a serious and a humourous outlook on events rather then just another website that is powered only by statistics.  You've got Cricinfo for all that, this site is a personalised fanbase by a Kent fan, for Kent fans (okay that sounds very exclusionary. . . so it is in fact for fans of any type although cricket ones would probably be more useful).

At the moment I'm just filling in the gaps, where I can, from the 2002 season and adding my own obsessive and strange spin on things.  

In the mean time, feel free to e-mail me with any feedback/info/photos/etc that you think might be useful.  Full accreditation will, of course, be given.

Meesch -x-

Site last updated - 12th January 2003

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Legal jargon:  All information and photos on this website are the property of the webmaster unless otherwise stated.  These CANNOT be reproduced or copied in any way, shape or form unless you have the prior permission of myself, or else I will come after you.  My people are watching.  Oh yes.

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