Divine Eyes

Since the 'Reality TV' craze took over television programming, there have been fan fic parodies popping up all over the place. The ones I read were from Survivor, so I decided to try something different. I spoofed Big Brother. I never watched it, but my mother was obsessed. I understood the general idea well enough. Shut ten people up in a house and see how long it takes before they try to kill each other.

I've figured out something during my time as a fanfic writer. I don't get much feedback. Maybe because I don't give any out, and that's because I can rarely give constructive feedback that is original. Maybe my writing isn't really special, and I'm not worthy of flames or praise. Anyway, I figured out how to get responses.

1 - Do something evil to your characters. I mean SHOCKING, like killing them. You get flamed more often than not, but people respond.

2- Write a pointless humor fic. I found that people are more likely to respond to these than any other type of story.

3 - Ask for a response. This can be a begging, which I detest, or threats, which I also detest.

4 - Do a reader poll/vote. Let the readers decide what happens next. I did this with my Garg stories, and actually got mail. So I tried it again, with the TMNT meeting Reality TV.

So, I decided to shut the TMNT in their lair with various friends and enemies. I, Kali Gargoyle, host. I let the readers send in votes as to who they wanted to leave the lair after every chapter.
Quick note: VOTING IS OVER! Do NOT send me e-mail's telling me who to kick out.

Yeah, it's all over! The voting is over and the winner is...

HA! Did you really think I'd tell you? No, you have to read.

Introduction - A short chapter introducing the characterss and explaining the plot to the readers.
Week One - Ten players enter...
Week Two - Our first loser gets kicked...
Week Three - Things get weird for awhile here...
Week Four - Tied vote...
Week Five - Something's up with Venus...
Week Six - First Turtle gets booted...
Week Seven - Attempted hostile takeover of the fic...
Week Eight - Things get REALLY weird...
Week Nine - Two left...
Final Judgement - And the winner is...

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