TMNT Fan Fiction Art Page

Aside from drawing from the original Turtle mediums, I take inspiration from fan fiction. Mostly from my own. I like to design my characters from my stories, or illustrate scenes. If I get a request, I may draw from someone else's story.

Dragon Lore/Legacy
Aura, from the back. - Showing the plates on her spine. Altered tracing. Colored pencil.
Aura - a head shot, traced from a book. Colored pencil.
Aura - A headshot I drew from scratch! Wow, it came out good considering that I can't do close ups. Colored pencil.
Aura and Hitoshi - A scene from Legacy, Destiny. Colored pencil.
Aura - This I drew cause I realized that I hadn't drawn her in awhile. Colored pencil.
Aura - An attempt to draw her Anime style. Colored pencil.
Dragon's Kiss - A band Mike plays on his radio show. I was going to give them instruments but decided not to at the last minute. Colored pencil.
Aura - As seen in Aftermath. I redid this pic based on an older one. Colored pencil.
Aura - A couple headshots that were on an older pic I deleted. Pencil.
Aura and Raphael - A scene from The Burning. I like the expressions. Colored pencil.

Indigo - Forgive the skintone. Colored pencil.

Missing Pieces/Veronica.
Angel - With her new weapon, Kyoketsu-shogei. Colored pencil.
Veronica - Veronica kneeling on the ground. I was going for some type of emotion, but I don't think I got it. Colored pencil.

Divine Eyes.
Me - Your lovely host. Colored pencil.

Shadows of the Mind.
Raphael - Raph-O-Lantern! Color pencil. (unpainted version)(And MORE paint!) Computer paint.
Me and Shadow - Dressed as angels for Halloween, Colored pencil.

Li-Liang and Akasuki - From Origins, ch. 4. Colored pencil.
Xin - From Origins ch. 7, and hopefully the next installment of my TNM series. Colored pencil/Gel pen.

Midori - The main character in my soon-to-be-released fic. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Hurt Midori - Hurt after a battle with the enemy. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Cloaked Midori - An older pic I just found. I like the eyes. Pencil.
Early Midori - This is what I had originally planned for Midori, but it seemed off somehow. Colored pencil.
Midori and Leo - The final piece, all colored. Leo's caught her after she tripped. Colored pencil.
Midori and Leo - From chapter ten, I like the expression on Midori's face. Paint.

Out of Time
Yoshi - Our semi-leader, most serious member of our group. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Karma - Youngest member, carefree, emotional, but still a good fighter. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Dante - Second youngest, very good with computers, kinda quiet. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Random - The loose canon of the group, yet still very close to the others, tends to be a loner. Colored pencil/gel pen.

Crash and Burn.
Baby Kali and Red - Awww, aren't they cute? Colored pencil.
Red - Red, Kali's pet dragon. The coloring on the belly scales should be less gray, more purple. Colored pencil.

Normal life
Venus, Leo, and Don - Humanized. Man, I wish I'd scrapped this, it looks horrible. Crayola pencils. and Mike and Raph - Same as above. Crayola pencils.
Human Turtles - Our favorite mutant turtles, humanized. It should be easy to figure out who's who. I like these ones better. Prismacolor pencils.

Zero - My android from the same titled fic. She should be paler, more white than gray. Crayola metallic pencil/ink.
Zero Dressed Up - A little scene bit from Zero, Chapter Three. Can't quite remember if that's exactly how I had her in the story, but it looks cute. Crayola Pencil.

Spirit Strike
A Turtle Possessed - A vision from my Halloween fic "Spirit Strike". Pencil.

Oni collage - My old character of Oni, totally revamped. Pencil.
I have so many illustrations for this story, I put them on a seperate page.
Water Goddess - Oni, from Ripples. I like the water effects. Pencil.

Ophidiophobia - A painting of Leo and his adversary.
Kaine and Blaine - A picture of two new TMNT fic characters, Kaine (the girl) and Blaine (the Turtle). She was six, she thought rhyming names was cute, give her a break. Colored pencil.
Mei-Xing and Mei Pieh Chi - My character Mei-Xing, along with Mei Pieh Chi (aka Venus de Milo). I'm working on a couple fan comics that includes the characters. Prismacolor pencil.
Blaine - Done for a contest (that I didn't win), it's my albino turtle, Blaine. Prismacolor pencil.

Hybrid Contest Entries
Dynamite - My first entry in the Hybrid Contest, Dynamite, son of Raphael and Mona Lisa from the old cartoon. Colored Pencil.
Vincent - Ah, Vincent, Leo's son from my story Veronica. Colored Pencil.
Seiko - Another hybrid pic. It's Seiko, Splinter's daughter by Michiko (her fic will be written soon.) And while she is cute, her "parents" aren't involved in that way, so she's not gonna be a fic character. Colored Pencil.
GargTurtles - I drew this but never sent it in. Besides, Amandatello's turtle/gargoyle pic was much better. Colored Pencil.
Kali/Raph hybrid - Another hybrid entry I never intended to send in. A cross between my demon alter-ego and Raphael. Colored pencil.

Other's Stories

Turtle Pox. By Amy Dumas
Special Bath - Poor boys, they should have listened to Splinter-sensei. Colored pencil.

Crouching Turtle Hidden Dragon. By TurtleDove(?)
Zen - She asked me to draw her character Zen. Now that I think of it, I could have done a better job. Colored pencil.
Zen - I drew three more pics. I thought he was cute. Colored pencil/pencil/ink.
Zen and Venus - He always seemed to be apoligizing.
Zen and Venus - She requested this. He looks good with his hair down. Colored pencil.
Zen - My newest picture of him. I'll probablly take down those other pics eventually. Colored pencil.
Venus, Zane, Zen - "Still here" It's not a scene fromt the story, but it inspired it. Colored pencil/chalk.

Journey's End by Streetwyse
MagnoliaA requested picture for a forum/RPG friend. It's Enigma/Streetwyse's character Magnolia. Colored Pencil.

The Ski Trip by Mily
Ski Trip Dance - Heh, sorry, but I simply could not resist doing this illustration from Chapter Three, the dance party. All the other turtles were taken, so I pulled Azure out on the dance floor. XD Pencil.

Legacy of the Ring series by Sean Milek.
Danielle - One of the focus characters of Sean Milek's (Leo656) fan fiction series. I did this for his birthday. Prismacolor pencil.

Female of the Species by Red Lioness.
Pele and Makai - Characters from Red Lioness' fic "Rapture of the Deep". Crayola pencil.
Bargaining Chip - Another sketch based on this story. I loved this scene. Pencil.

TMNT Fan Art - TMNT Fan Fiction - Cartoon Dolls

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