The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Fan Art Gallery

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, including Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo, Splinter, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Shadow, Klunk, the Shredder and all related materials are ©Mirage Studios.

All original characters are the property of Kali Gargoyle.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic books and cartoon got a lot of people into drawing, me included. I remember drawing lots of ninja turtles when I was little, including female turtles. I don't think any of those pictures still exist, (thankfully,) but I recently started drawing Turtles again. I'm still trying to find a style I feel very comfortable with.

Canon TMNT characters:
Chibi painting - The final potrait. Paint.
Leo watching sunset - "Sunset" Watching the sunset. I really like this one. Paint.
All four - "Signal to Attack" On the city's rooftops, signaling each other. Paint.
TNM Mikey - TNM portrait, another I think I could of done better. Paint. *2nd place - best painting*
Fiery Raphael - "The Fiery One" This one I'm very proud of. It took me several hours (and breaks) to finish. Colored pencil. *1st place - best drawing*
Venus - Casting a spell. Watercolor. *1st place - best painting*
One of them - Kicking back, on the farm I presume. Not sure which one it is though. Looks better in person. Pencil.
Venus - A dark picture with Venus, a symbol of her lonliness, I guess. Paint.
Raphael - This has a neat effect. I only colored the shadows. Gel pen.
Leonardo - with his swords! I like this one. Colored pencil.
Raph - Obviously in a bad mood. Doesn't he just look like he needs a hug? Pencil.
Raph - Can you believe there's a story behind this? Colored pencil/gel pen.
Venus - I saw this cool Chinese hook sword in a catalog and wanted to draw it. Colored pencil.
Fatherhood - This came from an odd dicussion of how female turtles lay like, a hundred eggs. Ink/computer text.
Venus - Casting a spell. I REALLY like how this came out. Colored pencil/Gel pen.
Shredder, Mike, and Raph - I drew Shredder first, then decided he needed someone to gloat to. Inked.
Venus - I drew this picture because I got new gel pens for Christmas and one of them kinda looked like aqua. Colored pencil/Gel pen.
Raphael - Done due to a list post, and I did this and I never got around to scanning it while they were still discussing it. Paint.
Raphael - Raphael with a neat knife I modeled of one in a catalog. Colored pencil.
Leonardo - Leo and a pair of swords I also saw in a catalog. Colored pencil.
Mikey - Poor little Mikey needs a hug. Or he's trying to get out of his punishment. Whatever. Paint.
Splinter - Splinter in a Hawaiian shirt and khakis! This was requested, kinda. Colored Pencil.
Mikey and Klunk - Aww, look, Klunk brought Mikey a present! Watercolor pencil.
Chibi Turtles! - A cute little drawing inspired by everyone else's kiddie/chibi Turtles drawings. Gel pen/Colored pencil.
Cyborg Don - My first try at him, colored with my new metallic colored pencils. Colored pencil.
Splinter Leaping I figured I owed it to Splinter to do a more true to character pic. He's doing leaping attack. Colored pencil.
Chibi Turtle Dolls An image of all my dolls. Top: Raph, Don, Mike, Leo. Bottom: A quarter (for size refence), Azure, Oni, Venus. Repainted figures.
Shredder - I don't think I have a picture of Shredder yet. I was going for something else, but it didn't work out. Look at his shiny armor! Ignore the feet! Colored pencil.
Young Turtles! - They've mastered the lower levels of ninjutsu and have advanced to weapons. Pencil.
Turtles vs. The Foot - I really, really, liked the penciled versions of these better. Oh well, I learned my lesson. I remember inking them because I wanted to color them, but I just took a good look at the drawing and said, "No way." Maybe later, I'll color them one by one, but not now. Inked.

WARNING! The following pics are suggestive, and may contain mild nudity.
Leonardo - Just after an intense workout. Pencil.
Donatello - Fixing that pesky shower. He thought it was off, guess he was wrong. :) Pencil.
Raphael - Just coming out of the shower. Yum. Pencil.
Michaelangelo - Playing water tag. Pencil.
Venus - Taking off her wet gear after getting caught in a storm. Pencil.
April - From the new series, wrapped up in a towel. Pencil.
Splinter - *snickers* Poor sensei. Someone's gonna be doin' flips for this one! (I apologize to the Splinter fan girls out there for not doing an action pose, but this one was just too funny to pass up.) Pencil.
Renet - Oops, looks like Renet still hasn't completely mastered time travel. Thanks to Jephael for the suggestion. ;) Pencil.
Ninjara - Ninjara, Raphael's girlfriend (for a time) in the Archie comic series. Pencil.

Fox Box Raph - Here's a drawing of Raph I did for the Fox Box's Awesome Art Contest, even though I knew I was too old to enter. Prismacolor pencil.
Shredder vs. Splinter - An entry for the Technodrome's Artjitsu Contest. The topic for March/April was a showdown between Shredder and Splinter. Pencil.
"The REAL reason Venus left the TMNT" - My entry into SC's "Caught in the Act" Art Contest. While I like it, I'm not all that happy with how the coloring turned out... Prismacolor pencil.
Fox Box Leo (kinda...) - Okay, I was going for Fox Box style Leo, but obviously I missed. Especially when it came to the colors. I tried, I really did, but I ended up just saying "screw it" and did the best I could. Paint (with CG filtering to lighten.)
Geiger Counter - Inside joke, to show my sense of humor is still intact and as twisted as ever. I really like the look of the new Fox Box show, and I'm trying to incorperate elements from that style into my own TMNT style. That's Mikey speaking off-panel, BTW. Pencil.
Raph in chainmail - And his damsel in distress. This was my entry for the Technodrome's Artjitsu for June. The theme was TMNT in a different time. Prismacolor pencils.
Leonardo, new duds - Okay, so I just wanted to draw the sword, and I think the costume itself is kinda neat, but I have NO idea what I was thinking when I colored this thing. Colored pencil.
Klunk Mess - July's Artjitsu topic was Kluck, Mikey's pet cat. This was my first entry. Most everybody agreed that Mikey would be a bit peeved. Prismacolor pencil.
Mutant Klunk - My second entry, a mutant version of Klunk. Prismacolor pencil.
TMNT Stat Cards - My entry for the August Artjitsu. The topic is: the TMNT parodying something else, and I chose card games, such as Pokemon and YU-Gi-Oh. Stats are from the old Paladium(?) RPG game. Primsacolor pencil.
TMNT Spin fighters - Anyone remember Spin Fighters. Little metal top-things that you'd battle against each other in this cheap-ass red plastic bowl. They were cool. I found a bunch of old ones, but they had Power Rangers on them *shudders* so I made them into TMNT Spin Fighters, based on the new Fox Box series. Paint.
Mike as The Croc Hunter - My second entry for the TMNT parody Artjitsu. Mikey as The Crocodile Hunter. Much funnier that the card thing. Prismacolor pencil.
Raphael and Kali - All dressed up for Halloween. My entry into October's Art Challange. Prismacolor pencil.
Arribada - My entry for November's Artijitsu, "Turtles Around The World". It's Costa Rica. Crayola pencil.
Kali and Raph, Back To Back - For some reason, whenever Raphael and I sit down to talk, we end up back to back. Ink.
Raph's Candy Cane - This one I did for the December/Holiday Artjitsu. It's kinda suggestive, and now that I think about it, I should have made a more innocent expression, but look at the candy cane! Pencil/red ink.
Shredder Gargoyle - Feburary's Artjitsu Topic is "Something Shredder Related". Very broad, too broad for my tastes, and I had no ideas until my dad mentioned in passing that a Gargoyle Shredder would look cool. And you know what? He does. Crayola pencil.
Trick or Treaters - AWWWW! Cute little turtles checking out their stash after a hard night of trick-or-treating. They don't seem tired, but sensei... Pencil.
Power Short. - Hey, nobody’s perfect. Pencil.
Raphael in Snow sketch - This is supposed to be Raphael, and the scene’s pretty self-explanatory. I thought it was touching. Pencil.
Leo in the Rain sketch - After the first image, I was hit by the fact that my winters aren’t like that. We get no snow. We get rain. And lots of it. Pencil.
Mikey in the Sun sketch - Mikey basking in the sun. It’s supposed to be sunset. Pencil.
Don thinking of Leaves sketch - I hadn’t used Don yet, but here he is, although I now remember that I’d wanted to add his bo. That’s what roughs are for. He’s really not supposed to look high… Pencil.
Kali and Raphael Valentine’s sketch - This is just because I was on a roll. I think it’s cute. Pencil.
Fortune Teller Venus - I always imagined Venus would do things like this, and I wish she’d done things like this on the show. Pencil.
Chibis with Mangoes - Machias, Azure, and myself. Again with the mangoes. Pencil.
Twilight Angel - This was a sketch of Raphael that got kind of out of hand. Pencil.
Raphael Hiding - Because I wanted to try my hand at computer coloring again. I should stick with pencil. Computer colored. Lineart
Smoke magic - A sketch of Venus I meant to color but never did. Pencil.
Beach Fun - Just Kali and the turtles at the beach. Again, one I had planned on coloring but never did. Pencil.
Nightmares I was in the mood to do a Chibi Turtle pic. Aren't they so cute? Pencil.
Karai It's Karai! I have to say that I wasn’t too fond of her fashion choice in Exodus, so I went ahead and designed something else for her. I apologize for bleeding of color, but Sharpies have a tendency to do that if you aren’t careful. And if you notice my anatomy getting better, it’s only because I borrowed this pose out of one of my books. Sharpies.
Romantic Turtle Another Sharpie-colored picture. I was in a very romantic, fan-service-y mood that day...
Raphael in Snow The finished painting of "Raphael in Snow" Thinking about it, I really don't like that title now, so I may have to come up with something else. Paint.
Leonardo Lightning Leonardo reminds children that standing on a rooftop in a lightning storm hold two katana is a very bad idea. Paint.
To Ryona - I did this cute pencil sketch for a fellow forum member who was feeling kind of down. Pencil.
Bandages - Raphael, bandaging up after a rough night. Pencil.

TMNT related pics (may include a TMNT):
Me, with Venus plushi! - With a plushie doll in my bag. Pencil/colored pencil.
Me and Mikey - I drew and painted this while I was depressed. Watercolor.
Me and Leo - "I swear Leo, I don't know where Raph is." Colored pencil/computer text.
Unnamed - I have no clue who she is, I just wanted to use my yellow gel pen. Colored pencil/Gel pen.
Me and Raph - An older one, kinda self-centered, but I like how it came out. Colored pencil.
Me and Raph - Are you sensing a theme here? This idea popped out of my head and onto the paper. Colored pencil/gel pen.
Raph and ??? - A scene from a dream I had that I think would make a nice fan fic someday. Paint.
Me and Raph plushi - Yes, I sleep with my plushi. Pencil.
Raph is Mine Yes, Raphael is MINE. Bwahahahahaha! Based on a silly RP, I put a "Mine" sticker on Azure, Raph objected so I put one on him too! Colored pencil.
Turtle's weapons - This was just me trying out my metallic colored pencils. Not as cool as I'd hoped, but pretty neat. Colored pencil.
Fireball - A new character, his name is Fireball. Full of fire and spirit and more than a few secrets. Prismacolor pencil.
No, you hold it like THIS! - This was one of my entries for GW's TMNT Mary Sue Fan Art Contest. It got Forth Place!!! My other entry is over on my Comics site. Prismacolor pencil.
Raph and Kali - This is a sweet pic I did awhile ago. Yeah, I know there's an extra "line" on my neck. Just so no one gets the wrong idea, the mood of this picture is TIRED, not sad or depressed, of which I am neither. Tired, however, yeah... Pencil.
Machias' new look! - Here's a pic I finally got to putting up. A picture I did for Machias Banshee, my Were-Raptor gal pal. I saw that Dinosaur Planet show a few weeks ago, and there were feathered raptors, and I just couldn't resist. LOL! Inked.
Jarrah White and Venus - A "request" from a fellow 'Dromer to draw his character. He asked that Venus be included. It's an inside joke. Pencil.
Raph and Kali - I wanted to revisit my old pencil shading technique. This was originally two different characters, but it wasn't going the way I wanted, so they became my trademark couple. Pencil.
Harry Potter crossover - Done for a challenge, of a basic crossover. Since I'd been reading the HP books, this instantly came to mind. Pencil.
Chibi Raph and Kali - I just felt like doing something cute. I dare you to say this isn’t cute. Pencil.

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