JP's Corner

In 1998 while we were in Brazil, I decided to open a website to keep family and friends up to date with our whereabouts, that was way before the words blog or facebook would be popular. I did not keep the site alive after we came back to Europe and I have decided to retake control. At that time I wrote: JP stands for Jean Philippe. French is my mother tongue. But as web publishing goes, I think it's better to use English. I will publish here some pictures  and stories about my interests and hobbies. 

Chateau d'Oex - Hot air balloons (january 2016)


Unless specified all pictures are my own (note that some of my pictures will be signed Philippe, a short name I have used in one forum) , some are scanned from paper copies when I was still using my Cannon 500 EOS (for example Ilhabela, in the Brazil page) and now all new ones are digital pictures. Actual camera is a Canon 650D.


Watches: An interest that started during 2015, I will explain later...

Sailing: Allways been in the plans...

50 Years in 50 Pictures: a project that I intend to finish this year, I will sort and select one picture from 1967 or so until 2016 and make a book, well that is the idea!

Links to old pages (as they were done then...):

- The Pamela, an Islander 32 we had back in Panama, on the end of that page you can find some info about a sailing dream I had at one time... Now I have a small trimaran on lake Geneva.

- Brasil: Some pictures from the time we lived in Sao Paulo.

- The Amazone Forest

- Marine antics: A small colection. 

Copyrights JPhJ - email jeanphj (at) hotmail (point) com - 02.02.2016