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Intuitive Theoretical Hypotheses


Mass & Dark Matter

                The Logic of Joseph Sixpack

Intuition may not be the best guide for the quantum world.

Consider the following:

It would appear that mass of all types, electrons, protons, 
neutrons follow or least exhibit the dual particle/wave 
property phenomenon.  

Restating, Mass can be understood to be composed not of just  
particles but in exclusive addition, exhibit properties of 
waves as well.

So the quantum physicists maintain that on Mondays, 
Wednesdays, and Fridays, they are particle physicists.

And on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, they are waveform 

Sundays, they try to create Greek light.  Or is that, "greek 

Let's go with the waveform way for now. If mass is composed of things under resonance or sting resonance or some other vibratory concepts and thereby in so doing (is that redundant?) generate the required interacting various fields of the quantum world: Strong, Weak, attractive, repulsive fields that currently attach to the qualities of mass, which were sort of hinted at in the chapters called ummm...Snot Standard Model, then it would SEEM to follow that the more active the "resonance" the stronger the fields, (weak, strong & etc.) We know, well, stike that, Joe guesses that resonance responsible for gravitation is increased with mass (pressure) upon the existing quantum elements and given enough pressure, the quantum form(s) take a "cubic" configuration which leaves an interesting eightfold weak field quantum "jack", slightly polar in field properties to generate magnetism, gravity, radiation? and other properties of "mass". so far, so good. right? Well, it would seem intuitive that if we slow down the "resonance" we will weaken the "field(s)". Mass at absolute zero would have it wigglys lessened and therefore would generate less field strength. If we completely eliminated internal resonance of the string elements we theoretically would eliminate the field generation capacities attached to the quantum particle responsible for the field. All the force fields would approach zero if the effect of the resonances causing fields approached zero. Mass would have no properties. no gravitation. no repulsion. no anything. Mass might not even be detectable... Mass might not even exist... It would be just still "dark stuff". Now our intution has led to the strange theory of vanishing matter!
Now, we aren't done with our dark matter yet. Imagine a universe full of "no temperature stuff" generating no "fields" of any type. There wouldn't be any gravitation, any radiation (light), any repulsion, any anything. Just blops of ice cold gorp not moving. We have a universe of no temperature mass. Now, they tell joe sixpack that: the rest mass of the electron is about .511 MeV and the rest mass of the proton is about 938.3 MeV and to raise the temperature of one litre of H2O one degree would take the energy of 2.6*1021 electrons. Now isn't that a fine howdy-do... That's a heap of electrons to collect...
Now let's see if we can do this mathematically... if E=mc2, then if we bring the E to equal zero by dropping the temperature of the wigglys in a particle to a ZERO rest mass energy state, then m (mass) should approach zero too. Hey, that is neat. "The mystery of the Vanishing Mass" or missing dark matter is solved. Where there is no energy E, there is no mass M. So when the wigglys get the shivers the mass goes away. Now, shucks, darn, isn't that intuitive?
Time for a commercial break from this erudite commentary for a message from our sponsor So God is walking around looking at all the "do nothing mass" laying around inert.. no unert. Lucifer, his good companion at that time asks, "What in the snakeabob brooker is this stuff good for?" (Hell hadn't been invented yet) so the word wasn't in common use. "Make a guess" says the Main Man. Luc says, "i dunno... looks pretty useless to me" Then all of a sudden Luc stumbles on a big outcropping of the no stuff and stubs his toe. "@#$%^@$#", says Luc. (Luc was a little muscle bound from carrying the light all the time, so he was prone to use rough language) "That blankity, blank dark matter is a pain in the ass. I been stumbling around on that stuff since time immemorial" "Tell you what Luc" God says, He then gives the outcropping a hard kick and puts it in motion by transfering some heat from his heavenly field goal foot to the dark mass. Almost instantly, fields start to come into existence from the resonance due to the transferred heat and start to regenerate themselves into m from the transferred heat. The synergistic event starts up other dark matter's resonance and all of a sudden there is a blinding flash and some of the dark matter went "Bang" (except no one heard it 'cause it happened in a vacuum and everybody knows that sound can't travel in a vacuum) and so what really happened is that it caused the dark matter next to it to go snifssssst (that is a bang in a vacuum) and the rest is history. So "The Big Bang" should really be called: "The Big Snifssssst" Lucifer never tripped again with all the light around until much later when he became... well, that is another story...
Now the process of dark still matter picking up heat and starting to generate synergistic fields and make itself known as "mass" to the little species is continuing to this day and generating gravity waves as it announces its presence in the universe. Let me restate that again: So the process of conversion of dark matter to visible and detectable fieldstuff known as "Mass" by picking up "heat" and generating the requisite fields makes itself known to the little species upon the earth. Voila! a theory of everything... an intuitive theory of everything from nothing. or is that an intuitive theory of nothing from everything... well... sigh... So they gave it a name The species likes to call it with the misnomer of a name, "the expansion of the universe" as the process continues to this day... They recently discovered that the "expansion" was accelerating and are still scratching their heads as to why it is accelerating. Well, everybody knows why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, it is because... well there is another type of "dark matter" which isn't the none matter of zero resting mass matter. And that dark matter withholds all light, but that is another story...
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