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John Gerrath
and the Dancing PMs!!
Under Construction, WATCH IT!!!
(Eager Beavers Click Here to Go Right to the Survey)
(Check out the Weekly Results of the Survey)
One of the Most important tasks a democratic society has is to choose who should lead them. In Canada, the citizens (including me) choose what is called a Prime Minister (a term cribbed from our former British bosses). Some had wanted to call it the "Grand Poobah", but they were smacked. As the men and women at the wheel of the Great White North, it is perhaps unsurprising that Prime Ministers should instill great washes of emotion at their very mention. Canadians may be reputed to be docile and shy creatures, but mention how much you thought Trudeau was right (or wrong), and watch the whirlwind of opinion explode from all sides! Yes! Canadians do produce some really snazzy politicians!
This short survey is designed to uncover which Prime Ministers, old and new, were shining examples of virtue, or slime-crawling, weasel-faced crooks! You can also use the space provided to send in a story or two about your Prime Ministerial feelings and encounters. Canada may be big, but we're also small and most people here know each other. Chances are that, if you are Canadian, you have met or even married a Canadian Prime Minister. If you have, let me know.
Choose Your PM!!

"That PM was a SAINT!!!"
Some folks feel very strongly about who the finest Prime Minister was/is and this survey will hopefully set the record straight. You can use the space provided below if you feel you need to expand on your choice.

"I Hated That Guy!!"
That's right, for every favourite Prime Minister, there are five hated ones.
Here's your chance to stick it to Mulroney, or Trudeau, or Mackenie Bowell!!
That jerk!

"Who was that Guy?"
All of our Prime Ministers were Great People, but some are admittedly not front and center in the public mind.
Check over the list and pick the PM you wouldn't recognize if they bit you!
That means YOU John Sparrow Thompson!!

Finally, if you have any comments, questions or stories about
Canada's Prime Ministers, send them along!

Hey! You can also leave some info about where you are, and who you are!!

Check the Weekly Results of This Survey!!
Vote for Your Favourite Donut!!
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Pages Designed
John Gerrath

Last Edited:
Feb 3rd, 2004

Address comments to:
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