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Last Edited:
Feb 3rd, 2004
John Gerrath and the
Ancient World of Donuts!
Under Construction
(Click here to go straight to the Questionnaire!)
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One of the oldest cultural touchstones in Canada, the history of donuts shapes and parallels the history of the Great White North. One of the only words still surviving from the old Neutral tribes of Ontario (another is 'Niagara'), 'Donut' referred in pre-historic times to a surprisingly modern ring of cake, occasionally iced (yeast donuts were as yet unknown). The Neutrals traded donuts far across pre-contact North America and into South America (where early donut culture reached its highest point with the addition of coffee). Archaeologists have found vats of preserved Donuts in the ruins of Incan cities, and frozen donuts in ancient fishing villages along the north Labrador coast (where a type of icing is purported to be the source of a strange red ochre found in burial sites of the area).
With the arrival of European forces in North America, most Ontario tribes lost their lands and culture over the course of a thousand costly battles, with the Neutrals (battered and weakened by constant raids from the Hurons) disappearing completely. The Donut, kept alive by the Jesuit priests of the time, eventually survived into the early 1800's where it bore witness to the birth of the sport of hockey. On a pond near Kingston, some folks had decided on a picnic. When it was found that their lunches (including donuts) had frozen stiff, the ever resourceful Upper Canadians began batting the frozen rings along the pond's icy surface. Thus was born what is considered one of the great sports of the modern world. The donut was eventually replaced by a rubber 'puck' in the 1950's, but old-timers still lament for the sound of a 'double-chocolate' clanging off the crossbar. It is interesting to note that the sport of 'Ringette' is actually the sport closest in form to that original ruined lunch in Kingston. It is, perhaps, fitting that Donuts owe their present popularity (in part) to a professional Hockey Player. Tim Horton, an All-Star defenseman who spent most of his career with the Toronto Maple Leafs, had (astonishingly) never eaten a Donut until his third season in the majors. Induced to try one by some of the wilder cohorts on his team, Tim was quickly hooked and set about preparing for the time after his career in sport by starting a chain of Southern Ontario Donut stores. Although he died, tragically, before he could enjoy his business' later success, his contribution is honoured in many of the older franchises by a small shrine, usually an oil painting of Mr. Horton, where devotees can say a few words of thanks for helping to bring Donuts to the masses. These stores are usually considered by the connaisseur as providers of the finest donuts, although there is much competition. Most modern donut stores include the 'old-fashioned' cake donuts of the North American natives and the more recent yeast-raised donut (invented in 18th century Germany, Wagner's 'Ring of the Nibelung' opera is an update of the ancient myth, wherein he replaces the traditional gold ring with a locally made honey-dip yeast donut!). The very popular 'Jelly' Donuts were invented during the 1960's using technology rescued from the advanced "Avro Arrow" fighter plane program, and similar technology is used in the International Space Station and Mars Rovers.

Thousands of Donuts are consumed across the World each second! There is one person who can't decide on the twelfth donut in a dozen every two minutes!
Three hundred thousand pounds of icing sugar per day!
The mind boggles at the numbers and statistics!
SO! Here is the time when YOU can start to make sense of all this static!
Below is the beta-test "Donut Info Questionnaire" which is designed to take the pulse of the modern Donut consumer. Please take a minute to look it over, fill it out and send it off to me! I'll collate the results received each week and soon we'll see which Donut is king!

Do You Like Donuts?

Yes:No: If "NO", then why not? For God's sake, WHY NOT!?

If "Yes", what are your favourite kind of donuts?
Choose up to three from the categories provided, or supply your own answer!


What do you prefer?
Yeast Donuts? Cake Donuts? No Answer

Fresh Day Olds Fossilized No Answer

Preferred Company?
Tim Horton's Country Style Coffee Time No Answer
Dunkin' Donuts Krispy Kreme

And, Finally: "I Like Donuts Because...."
The above space can also be used to send extra info, Donut types, lists or stories of formative Donut experiences, Good or Bad!

Hey! You can also leave some info about where you are, and who you are!!

Thanks very much!

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