N'vat and Lovath's record
according to

A difficult assignment
- as related by N'vat's older brother, C'dinak

"But C'dinak!" whined the adolescent, I don't want to help Lorin in the lower caverns. She's so picky, I'll never get to peek at the eggs before they hatch.

"That's just too bad, Nevat," the brownrider told his younger brother. "I had to do it when I was a candidate. Just because you never had to do it when you were wandering Southern, doesn't make you exempt. All candidates are supposed to take turns with various chores until after the hatching.

"But the other boys are going to try and peek when Branth goes to feed. It's our only chance and you know the hatching will be soon," Nevat tried to persuade his older brother as best as possible.

"Looks like you'd better hurry then," C'dinak wouldn't budge.

In a huff, his 14-turn old, scruffy-haired beanpole of a younger brother stomped off towards his assignment. C'dinak watched till he disappeared inside before setting off to search for the next deliquent boy. With any luck, he'd have all the candidates on task before the queen went to eat. Well, he'd better, or face Zilza's wrath when she found out they snuck onto the sands.

The Hatching

"Nevat, get up! You must hurry!" C'dinak tried his best to wake up his younger brother from a deep sleep. "The eggs are hatching and you are supposed to be a candidate."

Moaning, Nevat rolled over, removing his head from beneath his pillow. With great effort, he pried his sleepy eyes open to look at his anxious brother. "What?" he barely squeaked.

"I said...," C'dinak began as he threw the covers off. "Cold! It's cold," Nevat cried as he dove for the furs. As he did, his brother finished his sentence, "... the eggs are hatching."

That was all it took for Nevat to become fully awake. "Why didn't you say so?" he questioned as he pulled his candidate's robe on in record time, and fumbled for his sandals. "Why don't you try boots today, it's raining rather hard and the sands are soaked," C'dinak suggested.

Following his brother's advice, he jammed his feet into his new boots, neglecting to tie them to save time, and stumbled after his brother who was already mounting his own dragon, Urath. Quickly he climbed up and they were finally on their way.

The ride, which took only moments seemed like an eternity for Nevat. So many times he had planned on peeking at the eggs, possibly even touching one of them. Each time, someone had come round to assign chores. He had only seen them once from a distance with the whole group.

Finally they were there and he took his place in line with the rest of the candidates. His brother slapped him on the back and said something before he walked off, but Nevat wasn't paying attention. The reality that this was it was beginning to sink in and when the line moved out to the sands, he followed.

Cracks were already starting to appear on a few eggs and others began to shake. It seemed that they had barely reached their positions when the first hatchling burst free. The young dragon slowly looked at each of the boys before choosing his lifemate. As Mordred annouced the name of his new dragon as Krenth, something clicked inside Nevat. Unconsciously he reached up to smooth his unruly hair.

Each time another dragon hatched, he did his best to make himself appealing. And each time another candidate was chosen. Soon there were only two eggs left. By this time, Nevat was very nervous. What would C'dinak, who had impressed a brown himself, think if he didn't impress? Even more so, than wanting his brother's approval, he really wanted a dragon to come to him - and by this time, any color would be welcome.

Two large cracks annouced the arrival of the last two dragons to hatch today. A brown and a bronze were headed towards him and Tranan, the other remaining candidate. At once both impressions were made as Nevat shouted towards his watching brother, "The brown is Lovath!"

Nevat didn't hear the name of the bronze as he was so involved in his new responsibility.

brown Lovath
Brown Lovath

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