C'dinak and Urath

Flight Straps C'dinak checked the flying straps he had placed on Urath's neck once more. I wouldn't do to fall off in the middle of Threadfall. Next, he put his helmet over his blonde hair, and adjusted his jacket for about the thousanth time.

"Why are you so nervous? I will not let anything happen to you," Urath told his rider.

Helmet and eye shields

"I know, Urath. And I shouldn't be nervous. Besides, I lived holdless on the Southern Continent before I was found on Search. Most of the other riders haven't even seen a threadfall until they haul firestone as weyrlings."

"You are not yourself today. The Fall frightens you. You are not usuallly afraid."

Urath was right. C'dinak wasn't afraid of anything, until today. For some reason, today was different. It was their first Threadfall as a member of a wing instead of firestone transport. As long as Urath didn't get scored, it would be fine. A part of him also wanted to show that he and Urath could fight thread as well as the next dragonrider.

"I wouldn't say I'm afraid, Urath, just that I don't want to make a fool of myself, or you."

Firestone Only one last thing remained before they took their place with the rest of the wing. Swiftly, C'dinak tied the firestone sack to Urath's back and then strapped himself in place.

As Urath sprang into the air, C'dinak's confidence began to rise. Urath was a fine dragon and he had nothing to worry about. Perhaps, after the fall, they could make a trip back to the Southern beaches for a swim?

"I would like that very much."



Read more about C'dinak and Urath
in the
Records Room

Dragon Name: Urath
Dragon Color: Brown
Impressed by: T'remal
Dragon's Age: Adult
Dragon's Dam: Gold Orianath
Dragon's Sir: Bronze Sanienth

Urath is from Karath Weyr

Supplies are from Dawn Sister's Weyr

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