Holicka and Minaseth's record
according to

The Harper

As I approached the modest cavern I could hear the soft strains of a violin releasing a new melody. Now and then, the sound stopped and started as the player refined the notes and the rythm.

Silently, I slipped in so as not to disturb the creator's concentration, eager for the whole melody to be played continuously.

Inside the cavern, I passed a stone dragon couch with the indentation of many users. Few tapestries hung on the walls, and I could see that the cavern was almost empty. There was a curtain which probably separated the sleeping quarters from the rest of the room. It was from behind that curtain the music eminated. Maintaining my quiet reverence, I listened as the song continued.

blue Toly

When a blue fire lizard errupted into the air above my head chirping wildly, it startled me back to reality. Immediately, the song ended and the player emerged.

"Toly! Come here. This visitor won't harm you," commanded the young woman, and looking at me she said, "will you?" Toly obediently settled on her arm.

"Oh, shards no! I was just enjoying your beautiful music," I answered.

The young woman was of average height and Isuspected she was somewhere in her 15 or 16 turn. Her eyes were blue and her shoulder-length, light-brown hair was neatly tucked behind her ears.

"My music? I am just writing it now. Oh, it's no where near ready to be listened to!" she exclaimed torn by embarassment and flattery. "I was just tuning a little." Snapping out of her uncomfort, she said, "Where are my manners. My name is Holicka. This is Toly," she intruduced herself and her friend.

After introducing myself as Kirina, the record keeper, I found myself pleading, "Please, may I hear what you have so far?"

After a thoughtful look while she absently stroked Toly she agreed.

Click to listen to her song

"That was beautiful!" I complimented as she finished. "Thank you," she answered as she lowered her blue eyes for a brief second. "I am an apprentice harper right now. I was working on that song when I was chosen on Search. I was hoping to walk the tables soon, and I still plan on it if I don't Impress."

"How long have you been at the Harper Hall?"

"Two turns. I transferred to the Harper Hall when I was in my 16th turn. I probably still look 16, even though I'm 18. My family lives in Telgar Hold."

Curious to learn more about her, I inquired further, "Tell me about your family."

"Oh, there's not much to tell. My parents are holders and my three older brothers have all settled down with famlies of their own now. I'm the baby of the family and the only one with any sort of a gift for music. My father used to tease one of my brother's that his voice sounded like herdbeast headed for the slaughter. It's a good thing he preferred the smithcraft. My mother loved listening to me sing the tunes the hold harper taught during my lessons. I miss my mother, but I'm told that they will get to come to the hatching!"

"Think it will be soon?"

"What do you think with candidates being brought in daily?"

Acnowledging her reasoning, I thanked her for her time.


As Holicka busily worked on her new composition, she was again interrupted by a young lad who rushed into her weyr. Annoyed at first, she was ready to snap at him, for this was the third time in only an hour that it had happened. How was she ever going to finish this song?

All fury disappeared when he revealed that the eggs were hatching and he was to convey her immediately!

Quickly she changed to the robe and sandles the candidates were to wear. "Toly, this is it! We find out whether we are destined for the Harper Hall, or the Weyr!"

blue Toly

Picking up on her enthusiasm, Toly chirped encouragement as his rainbow eyes whirled with excitement. Swiftly, she ran the brush through her shoulder-length, light-brown hair and then neatly tucked the ends behind her ears.When she was ready, she ran to the waiting dragonrider with Toly close behind.

As they went between, Toly had perched on her shoulder, wrapping his tail tightly around her neck.

When they arrived at the hatching sands, she joined the other eight girls waiting. Looking around, she saw Pellor, the other candidate from Jerdan Weyr. Actually, she couldn't miss him. Being so chubby, he was hard to miss. He was such a good person. She knew he would impress a bronze, or a brown.

Quickly, the first egg hatched revealing a brown. Then the new queen broke from her shell. As she carefully moved from one end of the nine girls from the other, she slowly narrowed it down to Holicka and two others. When she chose Tele, Holicka thought her heart would break. So close, but she wouldn't be a queenrider.

As she watched the new weyrwoman lead the tiny queen off the sands, a tiny egg cracked revealing a shimmering white hatchling which headed right for the two girls that the queen refused.

White Minaseth

As the tiny white crooned her head up towards Holicka, she heard her sweet voice ask, "Holicka, will you sing me a song?" Looking into her beautiful rainbow eyes, she replied, "Why of course, Minaseth! I'll make you a song of your own, if you want me to. Right now, let's get you something to eat, and then I'll hum my last composition to you."

Together, they made their way to the bowls of meat with Toly flying above them in the air.

A visit at the lake

blue TolyWhite Minaseth
Toly and Minaseth

Holicka was down by the lake talking with Mikala as Minaseth, Toly, and Mikala's blue Pyrotath splashed in the cool water.

"At least she let's you scrub her. Pyrotath hates bathing. He says I scrub too long. Yet, he loves swimming."

Rolling her eyes, Holicka said, "Minaseth insists on scrubbing every day followed by oiling and then we have to hunt. It takes until after the noon meal to be ready for the day. She's very particular."

"So you really don't have much time for your music do you?"

"No, not much. I started a new song just before Minaseth hatched, but caring for her has taken all of my time. Even with Toly's help, it has been a challenge. Mornings are used getting ready for the day, while afternoons are filled with weyrling practice. The evenings are spent recuperating!"

Thoughtfully, Mikala empathizes, "I remember when Pyrotath was at that age. I had to make time to talk him into a bath, then bathe and oil him, and then feed him or let him hunt. And at the same time, I had the whole weyr coming to me for this or that because I'm the only healer right now. But I wouldn't trade this experience for anything." Lovingly Mikala gazed out towards the blue dragon.

"Yes, you're right," Holicka admitted as she too shared an affectionate glance at Minaseth, "Even if she is picky, I'm so lucky to have Impressed her."

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Meet Holicka and Minaseth

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