Ariana felt her legs tighten around the neck of her dragon as the agile green dove and flamed the stray clump of thread. It was tiring work, but well worth it. The next clump took her by surprise as it was off to her left, but her dragon, Niseth, turned to flame it clear. On they went with the rest of their wing flaming and ducking Between until the strands thinned.

"Ferth say's we're to return to the weyr. This fall is over," Ariana heard the voice of her dragon in her head.

The flight had been both exiliarating and frightening. When she was seven, she had started loosing her hearing until she was totally deaf. Because of this handicap, Ariana had not heard anything but her dragons voice throughout the fall.

Directing Niseth between, she was aware of the bitter nothingness that engulfed her for a few seconds before they erupted into the air above the busy Weyr.

"Niseth, please land near Mikala. She looks like she can use some help. The weyr healer was always busy - especially after a fall.


Read more about Ariana and Niseth
in the
Records Room

Dragon Name: Niseth
Dragon Color: Green
Impressed by: Ariana
Dragon's Age: Adult
Dragon's Dam: Gold Calydrith
Dragon's Sir: Bronze Dezyryloth

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