Rubik's World Championships 2003

News article from The Canberra Times

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Here's an article from The Canberra Times about my cubing adventures in Toronto.*

News article about me from The Canberra Times

* For other cubers reading this, there are a few things I feel I should point out:

  • I was only top 5 in one of the three events in which I competed. It was a phone interview so I guess the journalist just misheard me. I wanted to acknowledge this here so you don't think I am claiming credit for something I didn't do!
  • During the interview I was asked if us cubers were all pretty geeky. I said that anyone who's a cuber is a bit geeky, but perhaps some are more geeky than others. It was just a general statement so please don't be offended anyone!
  • My comment about it being sacrilege to peel off the stickers was referring to people who use this as their "solving" method. As we all know, real cubers do indeed need to peel off old worn stickers in order to replace them with new stickers, or nail polish, or vinyl tape, or model paint...

Source The Canberra Times, Sunday 14 September 2003, page 4 | Page last modified Saturday 3 January 2004 by Jasmine Lee.
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